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Snow Cross

I'm waking up I actually got to sleep in I find him holding his twin and feeding her one of the bottles I pumped I pump the milk for him because I know he likes to feed her he's very involved with her he changes diapers he feeds her he puts her to bed he he gets up with her in the middle of the night he's always holding her he's a very good father to her I say how long have you two been up he says since 6 she slept later then usual I kiss his lips and kiss her head she's sleeping I say lunch? He says sure I say BLT? He says perfect I make his lunch and set it down and I take her while he eats and she cries he takes her and eats while he holds her

I'm angry with him he's walking in at 2 in the morning I'm feeding her he says I'm sorry I- I say save it and I focus on putting her back to sleep he goes upstairs I get her to bed after awhile and carry her upstairs and lay her in her crib and I tuck her in and put her teddy close to her and I go back to our room and he's waiting I lay down he says Snow I say I don't want to talk to you he says I don't want you to be upset Snow I say well I am it's 2 in the fucking morning nothing ever good happens when your out at 2 in the morning you end up in jail or fucking shot he says I'm here Snow I say for how long? He grabs me and says forever I say what if you die? He says Snow I say she won't even remember you he says what do you want me to do Snow I get off him and I stand he says where are you going? I ignore him and go downstairs and I lay down and I go to sleep

In the morning

I wake up and he's with her she's cooing to him he's talking to her I don't say anything he's so sweet with her he feeds her and she drinks her milk soon he comes with her and he holds me and her she falls asleep in his arms and he holds her while she sleeps and we watch a movie

I'm holding her she's crying for her daddy I say your okay your okay she's screaming he gets in and he comes to me and he grabs her and she stops mid cry and he talks to her and she calms down she's only a month and she's a daddy's girl she knows the sound of his voice all of it I give him her bottle and he takes her upstairs to feed her and put her to bed I finish his dinner he comes after awhile and he eats and I clean the kitchen

I'm holding her she has a fever and all she wants is her daddy I call him and he answers and says I hear my princess I say come home he says I'll be there I say wait wait will you talk to her he says of course I put him on speaker and says Meli it's your daddy he says hi princess she starts calming down he talks to her until he gets here and we hang up and I rub her back I say he's coming he's coming she starts whining I kiss her cheeks and he comes in and he takes her and she relaxes he says let's take her to her pediatrician I say okay and he takes us to the car and we go to her pediatrician they check on her and stuff and we take her home I give her a cool bath and she whines but she's alright he checks on us I say she's doing good he washes her little hair and I wash her up rinse her and he wraps her in a towel and carries her to our room and he puts baby lotion on her and he puts her diaper and onesie on and he kisses her cheeks and she coos

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