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Snow Slauson

I'm sitting with Claire she says how's your relationship? I say relationship? She says you know with Mr. Amelio I say I don't know if it's a relationship she says you don't know? He just bought you an EXPENSIVE Ipad, PC and a phone what do you mean? I say He hasn't said anything she says then ask I say He doesn't do relationships she gives me a look I say Okay I'll ask she says perfect your going to call me everyday? I say everyday she smiles and says your mom knows? I say she didn't ask she gives me a look I say I'm grown as hell I can go wherever and not tell anyone she says you'd tell Amelio I roll my eyes and say no one she says ice cream? I say what kind? She says Butter Pecan I say yes please she goes downstairs and she comes back with the whole thing and 2 spoons and we lay on her bed and eat ice cream and talk

The Next Day

I'm awoken by knocking on the door I get up and I go downstairs and open it and he's there looking so handsome I say I uh overslept he says yea? no shit I let him in and he sits and says 30 minutes I say that's not enough time he says you should've thought about that when you chose to get up late I say can't you make it wait? He says I could but what will that teach you? I pout he says fine 45 I go upstairs and shower and get dress do my hair and stuff and I grab my phone and charger and I hug Claire and I go downstairs and he's waiting I say hi he says hi and he stands and he approaches me and he leans down and he kisses my lips and I melt I return it and we're interupted by Claire clearing her throat we pull away and she says I'll call you I say mhm and he opens the door and I go out and he trails behind he opens the door and I get in and he gets in on his side and he starts the car and were off

Hours later

We landed a few hours ago and I'm trying to convince him to let me sleep with him all 14 days he says Snow I say you can't say you don't like it he says I do I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him and he looks down at me I say please please please he says fine and he moves the stray hair's behind my ear and I tug on his tie gently and he comes down and our lips connect and I feel butterflies we pull away after a few minutes and he says pick a room I'll bring our stuff I say okay and I look through the cute one story house and I find the perfect one and he finds me I say this one he sets it down and says hungry? I say I uh I'd like to cook for you he says alright I'll go get groceries I say I'll be here he goes to get it and He comes back and I put things away and start cooking what he picked out and I finish after 2 hours and put his plate on the table with a glass of scotch and I go find him he's chopping wood I watch him for a minute he's so focused soon his eyes meet mine and he says Hi I say Hi your food's ready he says I'll be in I say okay and I close the door and make my way to the room I find something comfy and I shower and I get out after half an hour and I get ready for bed and I go out and he's coming in the room I say did you like it? He says I loved it and he kisses my cheek and heads for the bathroom I crawl in bed and wait for him he comes after maybe 20 minutes in briefs and I can't help but look he's definitely packing he gets in bed with me and pulls me closer to him and I snuggle into him and he holds me and I fall asleep in his arms quickly

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