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Amelio Cross

I'm pounding the fuck out of my pregnant wife she's loud as hell she's had this bad fucking attitude I say are you gonna lose it? She moans y.yes I give her a few more thrusts and she creams all over my cock I bury myself deep inside of her and fill her up and her breathing's uneven I kiss the back of her neck and pull out of her and I put her on her back and I slide in I like her pregnant she feels good warmer but good I lean down and kiss her and she returns it and we fuck some more

She pushed me and I didn't move my wife is small her pushing me and hitting me it's nothing to me I wouldn't put my hands on her I'm more than twice her size she says move Amelio I say No stop she gives me an upset look I say just let me make it up to you okay? We can order in I'll rub your feet and put ointment on your sore nipples she smiles and says fine but I get to choose what we eat I say deal and I pick her up and carry her upstairs and lay her down
and I order our food and begin rubbing her feet

She's showing more and more our little girl is due in 3 weeks I'm excited we're having her in Hawaii were standing in the Hawaiian airport I'm getting us a car I pay for it and get her in with our stuff and I drive to the house I say dinner? She says like in a restaurant? I smile and say yes babe she says okay we get there it's on the beach I help her out and she goes in and I grab our stuff and follow she picks a room and I take our stuff in and we kiss

A week later

I'm setting up her car seat I finally get it in the car and put together and she says what about her crib and stuff I say it's getting imported from Italy tomorrow it'll be at home when we get back she says promise? I say I promise and we grab lunch and head back and we watch movie and I hold her until she falls asleep

I'm sleep when I hear her crying for me I say baby? she says m.my water broke I jump up and grab her and the bag and I rush her to the hospital and she has our baby girl at 6 in the morning she comes out and I cut her cord they weigh her and she's 6 pounds and 7 ounces and she looks like me they clean her up and give her to me I dress her and give her Snow and snow starts to cry and I hold her she holds her the Nurse says name? She says Amelia Cross and the nurse writes it on her birth certificate they take Amelia after a few hours to run tests and whatever meanwhile I help her up and I help her shower and I wash her hair and body and rinse her off and help her back

17 days later

I'm helping her in Amelia's in the back seat in her car seat were flying home today I close the door and get in and I drive I say excited? She smiles and says a little I say she's finally asleep she says I've barely slept since she's been born I smile and say she's a fussy little thing isn't she? She says your daughter I say she's only my daughter when she's keeping you up she smiles and we get to the airport she says it's her first time she might cry I get out help my beautiful wife out and I unbuckle my princess and get her out they grab our stiff and her car seat I take them on Snow sits and I sit beside her and hold Amelia she cries a little from the sounds but I calm her Snow breast feeds her sleepily and she gives her back to me and I fall asleep with my Queen and Princess

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