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I got home and try not to think I may be that forbidden word. I shuddered. I was so not ready but I didn't believe in abortion. Why am I talking like I am that forbidden word? I got up and went to the bathroom. I had 10 test with me. Ready to be peed on. I just down 2 pitcher of water. I am so not ready. Fuck, that's what got me into this position. I had to hurry. I didn't want Andrew to find me like this. I closed and locked the bathroom door. I ripped open a box and pulled out 4 test. I sat on the toilet and peed. Now I just had to wait for 5 minutes. I got up and washed my hands. I set a timer on my phone and waited.

5 minutes was like 5 billion years. I slid down to the floor. Why is it taking so long? Suddenly I heard it. The front door open and close. Clarisse was past out. "Honey I'm home!" NO! Shit. I got up and threw all the test into a cabinet. I still had 2 minutes. I shouted, "in the bathroom.!" Andrew, "I bought Nic with me." His voice became closer. The bedroom door opened. Andrew, "so I was thinking I order take out." I, "that's fine with me." The alarm went off. I cover it and pressed off. Andrew, "is something wrong babe?" I, "no I'll be out in a second." I grabbed the test. 2 were positive and 2 negative. What the actual fuck! I hid them and flush the toilet. I washed my hands and exited the room. Andrew sat on the bed with a receipt. Andrew, "now tell me what is going on?" I, "I've been puking a lot." I tried so hard not to look him in the eyes. Andrew, "what we're the answers?" I, "well they were um were um both?" He looked at me like I grew an extra head. I, "two said positive and two said negative." Andrew, "you need to take one more." I nod and went into the bathroom. I drank 2 cups of water. Sat back down and waited. I felt the urge and peed on the stick. I got cleaned up and set the timer again. I went to the room. And sat by him. Andrew, "if you are we are keeping him/her." I nod. He held my hand. We stood quiet. The beeping went off. I got up and saw the answer. My breath hitched. I looked over to Andrew. Tears burst through. He got up and looked at the answer. He hugged me. Andrew, "breath innie." I, "I don't know why I'm crying. It says negative."

My master, or My lover (bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now