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That is Clarisse and Nic in the pic.
There are lots of flashbacks in this chapter.

Indiras pov
I woke up and saw Andrew sleeping. He looked so cute. I yawned and stretched. All my bones popped and it felt good. the doctor came in. I knew him. he was bailey best friend Logan donn. he actually became a doctor. logan," good morning Indira." I, "morning." Logan, "I thought you were with Bailey?" I, "we broke up along time ago." Logan, "isn't that dr. Andrew wick?" i, "it is him. were dating." Logan, "it's not my business but what happened between you and Bailey?" i, "he cheated." Logan, "I told him you were the best thing for him but he never listens." We stood silent for a few. Logan, "you're free to go once you sign the papers. but for some reason you mom and sister were trying to say you needed to stay longer." I, "I'm leaving today." he handed me papers. logan, "I think Andrews good for you. Bailey will never learn. I was kinda shocked when he told me." i, "shocked?" Logan, "he was going to propose and all." I signed all the lines and gave it to him. i, "it was good see you dr. Donn." he laughed and gave me a hug. Logan, "it was good to see you too ms. enlow or should I say soon to be mrs. wick." I smiled at him. he left and I got up. I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror.
"You need to lose some weight and stand straighter." "You need braces. That one tooth just bothers me." "Why aren't you like Clare." Indira you need to walk fast and suck in your potbelly." It kept running through my head. They never lighten up. It's been getting worse. I wiped the tears and pulled the sleeve down. I washed the blood out of the sink and fixed myself up. I smiled and left the bathroom.
I quickly got dressed and stepped out. Andrew was waiting. I smiled. He grabbed my hand and we left. Andrew, "we're going to eat at Los arros."
"What did you eat today?" I, "a burger." Mom, "Indira! You'll get fat. no dinner tonight." They went to Los arros well I stood home and did homework.
I, "okay." He drove us there. I stood silent and listened to the music. Andrew, "are you okay?" I, "yeah I'm just a little worn out." He nod and focused back in the road. He pulled up to the restaurant. We got out. I slipped my hand into his. In the corner in my eye I could see him smile.
I smiled at the camera. "Less teeth your tooth is showing." I closed my mouth. The flashes went off. I looked over to see lily, Clare and mom judging me. A guy came on stage. Bailey. I almost laughed. I heard a "act like your in love." Bailey grabbed my waist and looked deeply into my eyes. I shy away. Clicking went off. Next I pulled away but still held his hand. He smiled and I bit my lip. Bailey twirled me around and hugged my waist from behind. His head was between my neck and shoulder. Bailey whispered, "I love you." I blushed and looked over to him. Guy, "perfect." someone else, "kiss now." I pulled away and faced him. I was lucky I was wearing heels. I leaned up and brought my hand up to his cheek. His hands went to my waist. The guy was taking many pictures. Bailey leaned down to meet me and our lips brushed. I pulled away and walked off the set. Bailey looked shocked. Guy, "brilliant!!!! We are done!" I smiled. Lily, "still not better than me." I, "I know."
We ate lunch and talked. Andrew, "i love this place." I chuckled and drank my water. Andrew, "smile for me." I smiled with no teeth. Andrew, "with teeth." I smiled again. Andrew, "you're beautiful." I rolled my eyes. He paid and we left.
Andrew, "what should we watch?" I, "whatever is fine by me." we both heard a knock on our door. I, "I'll get it." I went and opened it. Clarisse was standing there. Clarisse, "they're coming." I, "who?" Clarisse, "mom, lily, Clare." she looked everywhere and then back at me. Clarisse, "they're mad. please innie. help me." I got a better look and saw her cheeks were bruised and she was trembling. I pulled her in. I, "what happened?" Clarisse, "I tried to leave but he wouldn't let me. I cried and screamed but they didn't do anything." I held her and tried to sooth her. Clarisse, "they wouldn't let me near nic. I wanted to say sorry. I was just mad but they locked me in a room." A sob left her mouth.
I was in my room. I had three assignments to do. I was a bit thirsty. I went to open but it was locked. I started to bang in it. I, "mom!!!!" No one answered. I did that for a few hours. My voice was almost gone. Who would do this? The door opened. I saw my mom. Mom, "so weak."
I shivered. Andrew, "nic is coming over." Clarisse, "innie don't let them take me." I, "I won't." I slid her sleeves up. Rope markings. The bell went off. Andrew got it. Clarisse was still crying. in came nic. He stopped and looked at Clarisse. Nic, "risse?" She rose her head. She shot up. Clarisse, "I'm so sorry nic. I've been trying to see you but they won't let me." Nic, "what happened? Innie?" He looked at me. I, "she's been through a lot." Clarisse, "please forgive me." she was hanging on to nic. nic, "I can never stay mad at you risse." he pulled her into a hug.

I got up and pulled on my coat. Andrew, "where are you going?" I, "to stand up to someone." I grabbed my keys and left. I drove to her house. I rang the bell twice. lily opened the door. I pushed past her and saw my mom. i, "how could you?!" Mom, a mother knows best." i, "you are no mother. a mom is suppose to love and cherish her kids not scar them for life." mom, "she's weak like you." i, "bullshit, she was strong enough to stop you." mom, "you were always a disappointment to me." i, "why?" Mom, "since you were born. they told me you were special. you didn't think like everyone else. you always saw more to something then there was. but then you got older. the older the more prettier. I got you into modeling, you were at the top. you had beauty and brains. but like always you followed your own path." i, "like I should have. you can't control our lives." mom, "it makes me laugh everyday to think you chose a petty job like teaching over becoming a worldwide model." She had to say it. i, "I hated modeling. you always said I wasn't good enough." mom, "you aren't and you'll never be. The only good thing you did is have two rich powerful men fight over you." I froze. she always tried to have the upper hand. i, "stay away from Clarisse." I was about to leave. mom, "just remember innie everything comes with a price."

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