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It's been three days since that happened. I had my guard up every second of the day.

Andrew, "my mom called me freaking out. Something about us being together." I, "my Mom too." Andrew, "why are they so worried? We're just dating not like we have kids and are married." I laughed at his rants. I started to rub his shoulders. Andrew, "if you keep doing that we'll end up having kids." I rolled back laughing. I, "calm down Babe. We just blide sided our moms. They never saw this coming." Andrew, "come here." I crawled over to him. He grabbed me into a hug. He held me tightly. Andrew, "I'm happy we're together. No ones ever made me feel so alive." He started to kiss my neck. His hands roamed my back. I never thought a mans hands could be so soft. I felt him caressen my back. He gently pulled my shirt off. he started to leave sloppy kisses down my stomach. My hands went to his hair. He unbuttoned my pants. his index fingers went through my belt loops. He pulled them off. I, "hey I'm partially naked. What about you?" He grinned. Within a flash his pants and shirt was off. Andrew, "better?" I nod. I flipped us. I was now straddling him. My fingers traced his abs. Well I kissed up his jaw to his lips. He was about to unclasp my bra but the door bell went off. Andrew, "why?!?!" He got on his clothes. He left the room. I couldn't find my shirt. Andrew came back. Andrew, "our moms are here with dads." I, "I can't find my shirt." Andrew, "wear this one." It was his Domo shirt. I got it on. We went to the living room. My mom Quinn, "oh my lord. We caught them in the middle of doing the deed. Lord have mercy." I, "we didn't even get that far." My dad Bert, "I much information In." Andrew, "so what brings you here?" His mom Lauren, "to see if it's true and it is." Andrew, "mommmmmmm!" His dad Carson, "when did this all start?" Both of us, "a month ago." Bert, "how?" Andrew, "well you see. I took Val dress shopping and I saw this dress. Val came up to me and said who is she? I said with a doubt Indira. That's when I knew." Lauren, "Indira, what about you?" I, "I went to his house. He had a gift for me. Before he gave it to me we were cuddling on the couch and I felt funny in a good way." Carson, "damn. Bert look they have it bad." Quinn, "you're right Carson."

They left after embarrassing us both. I, "I'm hungry. Let's go out to eat." Andrew, "ok. Let me go get my wallet." He walked to his room and came back with his wallet. We got into his car and went to the local dinner. Andrew, "remember when we use,to work here." I, "we'd always get in trouble." Fran came up to us. Fran, "well ain't it double trouble. Come back to torture me." I, "if you instance." Andrew, "she's just messin with ya Fran. Can we have a table for two please." Fran, "I guess." We followed her to a booth. Fran, "what can I get y'all to drink?" Andrew, "vanilla shake." I, "chocolate shake." She walked off. I, "she still hates our guts." The front door rang open. In came the whole football team. Andrew, "you still have my shirt on." I looked down to see I did. Fran came with our drinks. Fran, "what can I get y'all to eat?" I, "I'd like a BLT but no mayo." Andrew, "the triple bacon cheese burger." She nod and left. The team was seated by us. Nic, "hey Ms. enlow and Dr. Wick!!!!" We both waved hi. The whole team looked at us. Nic, "sis when did you get a domo shirt. Hey that's your shirt drew." The team was eating up the gossip Nic was putting out. Fran came with our meals. I lost my appetite.

Andrew paid and we went back to his place. Andrew, "it's alright In." I, "he all ways does this to me. Why can't he be a good little brother, not a pain in the ass." Andrew, "Val can be a pain too,but what are younger siblings for." I huffed. I turned away from him.

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