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I really didn't want to go to work. I groaned, "work blah." Andrew, "if I have to work you have to too." I got up and sluggishly walked to the bathroom. I did my whole routine. Andrew, "I'm going Babe. See you later." I, "bye." I got ready and was out the door. I got to work on time. I saw Bailey walking down the hall. His head was down. I shrugged and kept walking. He stopped right as I walked past him. Bailey, "can we talk?" I, "I guess but it's got to be quick." Bailey, "I was scared. I was so scared I'd never be good enough for you. That's why I did it. I regret it every second of my life. I wish I could take it all back. But I can't. I'm so sorry." His eyes we're bloodshot. I was speechless. He frowned and walked away.

Darren and Nic came out of no where. Nic, "why was coach talking to you?" I, "just wanted to know if Pete was able to play this game." Darren gave me a really look. Nic, "oh." It was so cute to see Nic and Darren out of the closet and holding hands. Darren, "can I talk to you about my grade alone?" I, "sure." Nic, "I'll go talk to Kyle." He left and I opened my door. Darren got the lights and I got all my stuff ready. Darren, "what was going on with you Bailey before Andrew?" I chuckled. I, "lots Darren. So many things you'd never get." Darren, "like what?" I, "we'll he was my fiancé." Darren, "wait you two we're engaged?" I, "yeah for 6 months. We've been together since our last year of high school." Darren, "how'd you meet?" I, "math class. We finally met officially. He actually got me to become a teacher." Darren, "did anyone know you two we're an item?" I, "no. We decided to keep it quiet. Our groups really didn't get along. So we just kept it on the down low." Darren, "you two were together for 5 years. That's a long time." I, "we loved one another." Darren, "what happened?" I said, "he cheated." I turned to my computer and typed in my password and login. Darren, "but you both we're inlove. That doesn't make sense." Just then Nic walked in. He was smiling real big. Nic, "baby. I got you a water." Darren, "thank you." 

I, "so who wants to write the answer to 15 on the board. No one rose their hand. I, "ok Will you go write it." He huffed and went to the board. He finished and stocked his way back to his seat. I, "so will explain the problem to me." Will, "all it is distributing." I, "how so?" Will, "you take 5 and times it by 7 & 6x then you take 3 times 6 & 2x." I, "bravo."

I got home. The house was so lonely. I knew Andrew wasn't home. I got to Work on grading papers. I must've doze off. I woke up to a door slamming. I got to see Andrew.  He seemed a bit mad. I asked, "what's wrong?" Andrew walked up to me. He pinned me against a wall. Andrew, "MINE MINE MINE. mine." I stuttered, "wh-at?" Andrew, "you're mine. Not his." I, "why are you acting like this?" I noticed my arms we're pinned above my head, legs shoulder length apart, and back arched. Andrew, "Bailey came into my work and said he was going to get you back." I was stunned. Bailey would really do that. Andrew seethed, "Mine. No one else's" He smashed his lips to mine. I was a heated kiss. My whole body reacted to it. A loud moan slipped out. He pulled away. That kiss took my breathe away. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He threw me on the bed. I landed with a bounce. He suddenly pounced me. He attacked my neck. Nibbling and sucking me spot. I couldn't help but moan. He held my hands above my head. He got up and went into the closet. He came back with a tie. I, "Someone have a kink?" Andrew, "Oh there is so much you have to learn about me." He pulled my shirt and bra off. he pushed me on to my back. He tied my hand above my head. His hands slide down my torso. He pulled my skirt down to see no underwear. He groaned, "No panties?" I, "didn't have time to put them on." He cupped my ass and squeezed them. my back arched. He leaned forward and took one of my nipples in his mouths. His hand cupped my boob and massaged it. I breathed out, "fuuucckk." He pulled away all of a sudden. Andrew leaned back and picked up my hips. He slowly slid into my core. Without warning he rammed the rest into me. My eyes almost popped out of my head. He started to pump in and out fast. He grabbed my hips and controlled them. All I could do was arch my back, wither, and moan. Annndddreewww Andrew ANDREWWWWWWW was all you could hear from me. he leaned down and kissed me hard. Andrew, "All mine. All of you." He pound harder. Suddenly I saw stars. I was close. I, "Clloseee anddddrrreewwwww ahhhhhhhhhhhh fuck." He came as I did. He dropped on me. We both were breathing heavily. I laid in bed. Andrew had his arms looped tightly around my waist. I couldn't move even if I wanted too. He was laying partially on me. He wasn't crushing me surprisingly. I slowly started to fall asleep.   

I woke up to kisses. My eyes fluttered open. I deepened the morning kiss. His groan mixed with my moan. Andrew pulled away and muttered, "fuck babe." I smiled and cuddled into his neck. I kissed it softly. He rolled us over. He pressed his lips to mine. I pulled away from the kiss. I, "Indira's tummy is hungry. food food food." Andrew laughed, "Fine I'll make you some food. Be back." He got up. His ass was perfect. He walked out the room completely nude. I giggled at his craziness. I fell back and smiled.

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