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Andrew, "you ready to go on this trip?" I, "yes. Where we going?" Andrew, "not telling you." He threw our bags in the back. I rolled my him. He drove to the airport. He tied a blindfold around my eyes. He got our bags and then me. He gave me a piggyback ride. We got checked in. Andrew then held me bridal style. I, "you really don't want me to see where we're going huh?" Andrew, "well duh." We finally got seated on the plane. I, "these aren't coach seats. Andrew?" Andrew, "first class Babe." I could hear the smile in his voice. I giggled at him. He got my seat belt on. He plugged my ears so I couldn't heard the pilot. He finally untied the blindfold. I, "finally!" Andrew chuckled lowly. I sat back waiting for lift off. I, "ii forgot to-o tell you. I-i have fear flight." Pilot, "lift off." I grasped the the handles and shut my eyes. I felt someone hold my hand. I knew it was him. The tingle shot through my arm.

The plane landed. I was so happy. Andrew blindfolded me yet again. He carried me to the baggage area. I, "why can't I see?" Andrew, "I want to surprise you." I shook my head. He helped me through it all. I murmur, "this is ridiculous." We stopped. Andrew took the blinding thing off. I looked to see New York. I was awe struck. I looked over to Andrew. I threw myself into his arms. I kissed his lips. He laughed. We got a taxi and were on our way to the hotel.

I looked out our hotel window. New York was amazing. The view was incredible. I turned around to.Andrew. I, "so this is our little escape?" Andrew, "yup." I, "thank you." He smiled and walked over to me. He crushed me in a hug. Andrew, "remember that on time when our families went to California." I, "yeah. We got lost at the beach." We both started to crack up. Awe the memories we have with each other. I hallowed myself into him. We both sighed in happiness. I didn't realize I was so tired. I fell asleep to his heart beat.

I woke up to car horns and sirens. I sat up slowly. Andrew was still past out, I traced his chin lightly. I laid on his chest. I kissed his neck. He started to wiggle around. I light moan left his mouth. I giggled, " Wakey wakey baby." Andrew groaned, "No sleep." He grabbed me. Trapping me between the bed and him. I, "But I want to go explore Andrew." He huffed and got up. I rolled off the bed. I picked out my clothes and set them out. I turned to Andrew. I, "Why don't you come take a shower with me?" I turned around and walked into the bathroom. I started the shower and got undressed. I felt warm hands on my hips. He slide my shorts off. I stood in my bra and underwear. He quickly undressed. I threw my last articles off. I stepped into the shower, Andrew closely behind.

We got out and dressed. To say I was excited was an understatement. I was over the moon. We saw the empire state building, Went into High paying stores. Right now we were in a jewelry store. A lady came up to us. Lady, "The engagement rings are over there." I, "Oh we-" Andrew, "Thank you now come on babe." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the rings. Andrew, "6 months babe." I, "You remembered." He smiled at me. He was so cute. We looked at the rings. I, "Ours families would freak if we came back and I had one of those on my left ring finger. He chuckled and nod. The same lady came up to us. Lady, "Not to bug you both. But you two just look perfect together." I, "thank you." Andrew just beamed at her. She walked away to help someone else. Andrew, "See anything you like?" I, "I love this ring right here." It was so pretty. Andrew, "Miss. we have a pick." She came over to us. Lady, " which one?" Andrew, "That one right there." He pointed at it. She grabbed it and pulled it out. I, "How much is it?" Lady, "$75,000."  I, "Oh no. That's way to much Andrew." Andrew, "We'll get it." I looked at him. I was paralyzed. I, "ANDREW!!!!" She placed it in a ring box. Andrew got out a card. He handed it to her. She slide in and gave it back. Lady, "Please put in the code and sign." He did all that. I was still looking at him. He was so crazy. She gave him the box and we left. I, "Are you crazy Andrew?!?! you just spent 75,000 dollars on me." Andrew, "I love you ok. I'll do anything for you."  I, "So if I told you to streak down time square you'd do it?!?!" Andrew, "Yup." I, "You're crazy!" I couldn't believe him. I started to walk away from him. I was suddenly turned around. He slammed his lips onto mine. Andrew, "Just let me love you Indira." I, "I'm trying too."

The guy is Bailey. I also put up a song. Listen to it please. Comment and like.

XX Lala

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