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I left Andrews place after that scene. I tried to get to car as quick as possible but I wasn't fast enough. He caught up with me. Bailey, "you really are a whore slave." I, "I'm not going to tell you again. I am no longer yours. I gave you the collar and ring back." I swirled around to open my back door. I places the box on the seat. Bailey, "he'll never pleasure you like I can." I, "I'm pretty sure he can." Bailey whispered, "I should take you on my knee for your nasty attitude." I, "I don't think so. You're not my master anymore." I got in my car and left him.

I hung the gorgeous dress up in my closet. Placing an outfit on my chair. Got ready bed and laid down. But he was on my mind. I knew I should of never messed around with him. He is a powerful and wealthy man. All I did was toss and turn. Maybe a few hours of sleep but not much.

A shrill noise went off in my room. I shot up and grabbed my phone. I sneered, "what?!" Andrew, "good morning to you to lovey." I, "why are you calling at 5 in the morning?" Andrew, "im outside your door freezing. Please open the door." I got up and stumbled to my front door. I unlocked and pulled the door open. He tumbled in. Andrew, "I missed you." I pulled him into my room. I, "cuddle." We fell onto the bed. Andrew, "can you tell me what really happened between you and Bailey?" I, you really want to know?" He nod rapidly. I, "well you know about bdsm, bondage and discipline with sadomasochism or sadism and masochism, or dominance and submission. And how I like it. We'll Bailey was my dominate or in other words master. Well awhile back he no longer wanted me so I turned in my collar and left. But he won't leave me alone." Andrew, "what do you mean no longer wanted?" I, "well Bailey he promised me he never mess with another slave. He said I was his as he was mine. But he broke it. He had a girl in his playroom. So he no longer wanted me." Andrew, "did you like love him?" I, "I was in it for the bdsm." Andrew, "that's all I needed to know." He pushed his lips onto mine.

My master, or My lover (bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now