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"nic please be quiet. I'm trying to teach." I turned around and started to write again. He kept talking. I turned to him. I , "detention Nic. Now stop talking." NiC, "what come on Ms. Enlow!" I, "don't make it a double nic." I went back to teaching. He stopped talking. Clarisse shook her head.

The front desk lady came into my room. Lady, "Ms. enlow the principle would like to see you." I got up from my desk. I followed her to the big mans office. Lady, "sit. He'll be right in." I say down and looked around. There we're a bunch of pictures dealing with football. Oh great. Right on que they walked in. Mr. Guard and coach brown. Mr. Guard, "ms. Enlow." Bailey say down in the chair next to me. I, "why am I in here?" Guard, "we'll Indira we've found out the star quarterback has a detention from you and this practice they're having is crucial for him to be at." I, "ok. Why?" Bailey, "Indira we are going to be going against our rival team the tigers." I, "then he should of respected me and listened. It's not my fault coach. How about you teach your player respect. Now I have to go." Guard, "Indira! Football is important to this school. So he's not going to have a detention." I whipped around. I, "Mr. Guard did you know the band brings in more trophies then your precious football team, the mathletes go to state each year and win, the speech team has more rewards then your team, our plays bring in huge crowds and are in the newspaper everytime. So don't say your football is important to this school. Kids rather join academic clubs then be in football. So he will be in detention after school." I walked out.

My mom called me. I, "hi ma." Mom, "why does nic have a detention?" I, "he disrespected me and didn't listen." Mom, "I'm going to have word with him. So are you really with Andrew?" I, "yes ma I am. We're going to the big ball with each other." Mom, "oh my. I didn't see this coming. His moms going to gave a stroke once she finds out." I, "what why?" Mom, "you two we're strictly friend. You two never flirted or looked at each other like that." I, "well we do now. I got to go mom. Bye love you.." Mom, "bye, love you too." I hung up and went back to putting in grades. In walked two boys. I, "hello. I help you?" Nic, "I've come to give you this before I go to detention." I, "ok. And you?" Peter, "I've come in to get help on my homework." I, "ok sit down and I'll be right.with you Pete." I got up and walked over to him. I, "what number are you on?" Pete, "the first one." I, "ok. Well it says if the d=Rt and you have to find out t so it say d is 40 and r is 20 what is t then." Pete, "what?" I, "ok. If the score is 20 and the other team has 40. Our team has how much of the other teams score?" Peter, "1/2." I, "you got it"

Peter, "thank you Ms. enlow." I, "welcome." Peter, "Ms. Enlow, not to pry but are you really dating Andrew?" I, "yeah I am" Pete, "did you know coach Hates him I don't know why. Andrews cool. He did the surgery on my little sister lula. And he helped pay the hospital bills." I, "that's nice." He nod and left. I packed up my stuff and left. I ran into a buff wall. I looked up to see Bailey. I, "sor--" he was kissing me. I couldn't push him away. But I wouldn't give into kissing him. He pulled away and I slapped him. He slammed me into the row of lockers. Lifting up one of my legs. His had squeezed my ass. His lips captured mine. His other had went under my shirt. He unclasped my bra. His hand ventured to my boobs. His hand that was down under went between my legs. He probed into my core. My hands fisting his shirt. He suddenly pulled away. Bailey, "he can never do that to you." Then he walked off. I was left confused. I gathered up my stuff and ran out of there.

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