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I helped dress Clarisse's wounds. They did some damage. Nic watched me. Nic, "She said they did this to you too." I, "It's nothing." Clarisse, "I saw what they did to you. It is something." Her voice was weak. Andrew came in with some pjs. I, "I survived. So it is nothing." I helped her get dressed. Andrew, "Tell them indira." I shook my head. Andrew, "They need to know."  I, "No." 

I laid in bed. Andrew still hadn't come to bed. My head was pounding and i felt sick. I got up and went to the bathroom. I pulled out the ibuprofen.  I swallowed 5 and went back to bed. I saw Andrew getting his pajamas on. I got into our bed and faced away from him. Andrew, "please don't act like this Indira." I ignored him and pulled the blankets closer to me. I felt the bed dip and the lights go off. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me close. Andrew, "don't shut me out. I need you. I love you." I stood quiet. Andrew, "please innie." I, "I love you too." He squeezed me tighter and kissed my shoulder.

I was getting ready. My stomach twisted and I fell forward. I groaned and my breath labored. My mouth started to water. I pushed the toilet seat up and dinner came out into the porcelain bowl. I finally stopped. I cleaned myself up and finished getting ready. I went into the living room. Clarisse and Andrew sat watching tv. Nic came out ready too. I, "well we're off. Bye love you both." Nic followed me out.

I, "the assignment due Thursday is 1-20, 22-30 evens on page 231. Don't forget to do it." I sat down and started to grade papers. My stomach flipped and I ran to the teacher bathroom. My lunch was now in the toilet. I got up and wiped my mouth. I rinsed it out and slowly left the bathroom.  I felt sick to the bone. I heard my name. I turned to see the English teacher mrs. Jones. She looked concerned. Mrs. Jones, "are you alright Indira?" I, " I'm fine." Mrs. Jones, "well Indira you ran pretty fast into the bathroom. So please tell me the truth when I ask are you feeling ok?" I, "my stomach just hurts. Nothing I can't handle." She gave me a look that said I don't believe you. I, "don't worry Beth." Beth, "you should be caring about your health ms. Enlow." The bell rang and thank the heavens. I, "well I have a class to teach. See you around Beth jones." I quickly walked away. I got to my room and calmed my breathing. I whispered, "please just be the stomach flu."

Cliffhanger. Sorry it's short. Had to end it here.

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