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I was looking at my mom and dad who were talking to Andrew's parents. They seem so happy. I looked over to Andrew who was talking to Nic. My swelled at the sight of him. I haven't talked to Clarisse. She was living with our older sister Lily. Though lily did not like how Clarisse acts towards Nic. She's still our baby sister. I grabbed a water and walked to the back yard. I walked to the big tree. It was were I went to think. I slide down to the ground. It was getting dark and cold. I shivered when a breeze slipped past. It whisked the leaves in the tree. Making music with it. It was peaceful. I closed my eyes listening to the wind. I touched the ring on my finger. I brought my hand up to my neck and lightly touched it. Andrew never asked about that day. He knew my car broke down. He was stuck at my moms till the next day. I made it home an hour before him and made up a complete lie up. I felt heat next to me. I opened my eyes and looked over to see Andrew. Andrew, "What are you doing out here? It's cold." I, "Relaxing." Andrew, "Of course you would be." He laced our fingers together. Andrew, "I love you." I, "I love you." It felt so natural to say. He squeezed my hand. I, "What do you love about me?" I pulled my hand away. I turned and brought my knees up to my chest. He looked at me. Andrew, "I love how you don't take no for an answer, How you laugh even at the bad jokes, How you smile though the tough time, how you squeal at cute things, How the sun hits your eyes and shows off a sparkle that no one sees but me, How you have great passion to help other even when it you who needs it, How you can cheer anyone up. I love you Indira so much." I leaned forward on my knees and kissed him. We pulled away. Andrew, "That never gets old." I giggled, "Oh really?" Andrew, "Yup." He pulled me onto his lap. His lips covered mine. I could here voices but I ignored them. Andrew tightened his grip on me, pulling me closer. My hands roamed his hair. We heard someone whistle. We pulled away and saw Nic, Darren, and Bailey. What was he doing here? Nic, "Damn In. Get it." I blushed, Andrew rolled his eyes. Andrew, "Hey Bailey." Bailey, "Hi." He was giving him daggers. I, "Whatcha doing here?" Nic, "He came by to give Andrew something." I got off Andrew and helped him up. Bailey gave him a small box and left. Darren, "Open it." Andrew pulled off the lid. It was a ring. I knew that ring from a mile away. I gasped. They all looked at me. I snatched it up and  walked off with it. I went after him. I got to the front. He was getting into his car. I, "You fucking bastard." I started to walk closer to him. I, "How dare you do that. That's so low of you." I could feel them watching me. He had a smug smile on his face. I, "I told you to take you fucking ring back and never give it back." I threw the ring at him. He caught it. He started to walk up to me. It seemed everyone was frozen. He grabbed my head and kissed me. I went to push him knowing I couldn't. He was much bigger. Suddenly he was pulled off me. I saw Andrew. Darren grabbed me and pulled me inside. My mom came to my aid.

Andrew came barging in. He came over to me. Everyone watched. He kneeled down and grabbed my hands. Andrew whispered, "He didn't hurt you did he?" I murmured  "No. But  it look likes he got you." I pulled one of my hands away and turned his chin. It was going to bruise. My dad came in to the living room. Dad, "Would someone like to explain what the hell just happened?" I looked up to everyone. I, "It's all my fault." Andrew's mom, "How?" I, "you see I was um engaged to bailey before this all." Everyone but Andrew and Darren gasped. My mom, "Why didn't I know?" I didn't say anything. Nothing would come out of my mouth. She looked at me. I just shrugged. I had nothing to say. Mom, "Tell me why Indira. tell me. tell me." I stood up, I yelled, "I DON'T KNOW WHY OK!!!!!!!!" I walked out of the living room and went to my car. I got into the driver's side and started the car. I quickly drove off. I needed time to think. My phone kept going off. I grabbed it and turned it off. I threw it in the back. I drove off to my spot. No one and I mean no one knew where it was. I pulled off to a unknown road and kept driving. I finally stopped. I was in a field. My grandpa took me here. It was our spot. We made it a secret of our own. I got out and went up the hill. I sat down. The tears rushed out of my eyes. I, "Will you still love me tomorrow?"

Andrew's POV (Something new)

Indira wouldn't answer he phone. It went straight to voicemail. Nic, "Still not answering?" I, "Yeah. Did she have a spot or place she go to to think?" Nic, "Not that I can remember." Bert, "Hey Quinn Where did you dad take In all the time?" Quinn, "Like I would know. Them two always be keeping secrets from me." She sat down. Nic, "Wait Darren Why didn't you gasp when you saw coach kiss In?" Darren stiffened. Darren, "I um caught them kissing a few times." he was blushing a crimson red and was fidgety. Nic, "Why didn't you tell me?" Darren, "it wasn't my place to talk. Quinn why are so mad at her? Bailey Asked her not to tell anyone so she didn't. It wasn't her fault." Quinn, "I'm her mother I should know everything." I, "Quinn, You're not going to know everything about your kids. You didn't know Nic was gay or Clarisse was a homophobe. You don't know where In goes to think. So therefore you don't know everything." Everyone was silent. I got up from the couch. my mom, "Where are you going Andrew?" I, "home. No point in staying here. Indira can come home whenever." I got into my car and drove back home and waited for her.

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