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Never have I felt like this. Butterflies in my stomach, skin on fire, and a big smile. Only one man could do this to me and his name is Andrew. School was over and it was past 4. Which meant I was home free. I had to walk pass the football players to get to my car. I dread this everytime. He watched my every move. Kid yelled, "hey Miss is it true?" I, "is what true?" Kid, "you're dating that rich surgeon dude?" I, "believe what you want too." Bailey gave me "is it true look". I shrugged.

My door was unlocked and a delicious aroma took over my apartment. I cautiously walked into my kitchen. There stood a hunk of a man. I, "OH my God. When did you learn to cook?" Andrew, "last week." I, "I could get use to this." I went over and wrapped my arms around his waist. Andrew, "don't push it." I, "so what are you cooking?" Andrew, "spaghetti with meatballs." I, "sounds yummy." Andrew, "I met this little girl name lula. She reminded me a lot about you." I, "how so?" Andrew, "she just brightens up a room with her smile, she's a fighter, and loves to help. She is always happy and doesn't care what others think." I, "she sounds lovely." Andrew, "you should meet her."

We say across from one another. The food was delicious. I was already on bowl 3. Andrew, "im curious. Why did you want to become a teacher?" I, "well there was this boy

-flash back-

"ok class turn to page 37 in your text." My teacher Ms. hull said. Hull, "row x is 0,1,2,3 and row Y is 60, 45, 30, 25. Can any of you figure out the equation of how it got like that?" We all got to work. The boy next to me didn't have a clue. Hull, "Bailey tell me your answer." It was him the boy next to me. Bailey, "sorry hull I couldn't get it." Hull, "you next to him tell me the answer." I, "Y=-15x+60." Hull, "correct." Bailey, "can you explain it to me?" I, "sure. So....................." Bailey, "you know what. You should become a teacher. You'd be so good At it."


Andrew, "wait a minute. That's how you and Bailey met!" I, "yeah. We all went to the same school. We're all in different group back then." Andrew, "I was us the cool smart people group. You were in your own group." I, "just me and Jenny. Oh and Jayden. Then came along ave." Andrew, "remember when we first met.." I, "yeah." A smile came to my lips.


"Indira to the cafeteria." The intercom said. I got up and left. I walked to the room. In my own little world. I twirled down the hallway. BAM!! I, "OWWW!" I looked up to see a talk boy with blue-green eyes. I, "hey you're in my class." Boy, "yeah..." He seem to be studying me. I was still on the floor. I, "well it was nice meeting you no name. I best be on my wonderful way to the cafe." Boy, "the names Andrew." I, "Indira but call me In."


I, "and to think we never knew that that moment would have such a big impact on us." He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

My master, or My lover (bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now