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For those who don't understand my typing. This: I, " means Indira is talking. I'll only put a talking word for emphasis. And if another character is talking it'll be their name with , then ". Ok good day everyone.

It was everywhere. Everyone knew we were dating. It spreader like a wild fire. Know everyone knew. They're always looking at me and talking. I hate you nic.

I was ready to exploded. I wanted to murder my brother so badly. But I had a lesson to teach. Lucky enough I didn't have him today. I looked up at the clock to see I had 10 minutes before school. So I went through my lesson plan. We had to do a review. White board time.

All the girls followed my every move. It was getting annoying. I, "so today we are going to review over lessons 1.1-1.5." I started to hand out boards and markers. I, "ok. Im going to try out something. It's a game. Here are the rules. 1. No starting before the music starts. If you do then your out. 2. You have to write all the work. No work no point. 3. Keep your eyes to your board. If you don't you lose." I wrote the problem down on the board. I went back to my desk. On came Taylor swift. The whole class groaned. I, "the quicker you are the faster the song is off." Right when I said that everyone started to write.

I love doing that exercise. I stuffed all the test into my bag. I locked my classroom door and started off to my car. I started to sing, "

Hello world Hope you're listening

Forgive me if I'm young

For speaking out of turn

There's someone I've been missing

I think that they could be

The better half of me

They're in the wrong place trying to make it right

But I'm tired of justifying

So I say to you.."

Bailey, "you we're always a good singer In. I remember when you sing when cooking or when you walked. " I said, "thanks. I still sing when doing that stuff." Bailey, "where you head to?" I, "Andrews place." I smiled at his name. I look up to bailey. I frozen. I felt defenseless. His eyes held me in a lock. Bailey came closer to me. He came up to my ear and whispered, "don't get to cozy with him. You're MINE." he cradled my face before placing a gingerly kiss on my lips. He then turned around and left to the field. I mumbled, "I know." I walked to my car. Knowing somehow he'll always be right.

Andrew, "lion king or Nemo?" I, "Nemo." Andrew, "all righty." I, "how is lula?" Andrews eyes lit up. Andrew, "she's recovering real fast. She told me you tutor her brother." I, "yeah peter. He's a nice boy." It suddenly got quiet. I looked over to Andrew to see him mouthing the words. I didn't notice I was smiling til my cheeks started to hurt. Maybe just maybe Andrew can set me free.

My master, or My lover (bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now