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What Darren asked me still is getting at me. If that makes any since. I was getting ready for 4th period to start. Kids started to file in. I was watching them. Boys pushing each other. Girls gossiping about who knows what. Teachers telling kids to hurry up. I saw my sister. She was with her best friend Emilia and Emilia's Boyfriend Ben. Clarisse looked up and looked right at me. I shook my head and turned around. I entered my classroom. Everyone was quiet. I, "Ready to learn?" Everyone groaned. I giggled. I forgot about all my problems and did what i do best and that was teach. Like the saying says "Those who can. Do. Those who can't. Teach. I, "We will be learning about.......

I entered the grades online. Some of my kids need a bit of help. I was always heartbreaking when a kid had trouble with math. A shaky sigh came out of my room. My heart felt numb. My whole body did really. I looked down at my hands and blinked away my tears. I shut of my computer and got up. I left wiping my tears. And to make it all better. I ran into Bailey. Bailey, "Hey what's wrong?" I lost it. I, "I fucking cared, and loved you. Why did you have to cheat? Why Bailey? We made a promise. We were engaged. It might of been a secret but i didn't care. I loved you with al my heart. You know what you did. You threw it on the ground and stomped all over it. Then you burned it. I loved you. I still love you. I hate myslef for it too. I have this amazing guy on foot and knee for me. He loves me and is not scared to show it. I love him. I really do. But i can't love him. Because you still have a piece of my heart. Just let me go. SO i can let you go. Please Bailey Please." He looked straight at me. His green eyes met mine. Bailey, "I've tried Indira but I can't you own my heart." I, "BULLSHIT!" I stomped off and left him.

I got to andrew's apartment. I knew he was home. I looked at myself. Red eyes, flushed cheeks and nose. I got out and went to his door. I knocked real hard. He threw open the door. Andrew, "What hap- I stopped his talking. I crashed my lips against his. He didn't stop nor pushed me away. We just stood there lips on lips. I pulled away. I, "I love you so much." Andrew, "I love you more." He pulled me into a hug. i mumbled into his chest, "I know."

We laid in his bed. He held me as i traced shapes on his arm. I whispered, "I-I Confronted Bailey today." Andrew whispered, "How did that go?" I, "Eh. He says i own his heart." Andrew whispered into my heart, "You own my heart Innie." i got out, " you hold my heart." He held me closer to him. I felt content. Andrew, "I wish we could run away for alittle bit. Just us no one else." I, "Christmas break is coming up." Andrew, "Then i shall kidnap you after work." I giggled. I turned around and hugged him. I, "i can't wait." We both fell asleep.

I finally found a picture of Indira. So tell how she looks. Is she what you thought she looked like in your mind?

Yours truly,


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