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Andrew's pov

What was Bailey talking about. Her family seemed to be happy. but I could be wrong. I looked them over. I'll have to ask her later. They all left finally. I, "hey in. I have a question." In, "yeah?" I, "remember how at the end of sophomore year when summer came around, you went missing for the whole summer and I asked your mom. she said you were visiting family but I knew she was lying because you would of told me before you left. So where were you?" she looked lost. Innie, "during the school year I became depressed, I wouldn't eat and I stood in my room a lot and my family didn't help with it. It just got worse and one day I tried to take my life. so my family sent me half way across the world to so curing center. It was so horrible. they treated me worse there. So when it was time to see who stays and who goes home, I made sure I was going home. when I got home I had to act like normal and nothing happened but they still hold it over me everyday." I hugged her. I never knew her family could do that to her. I, "tell me what did they do to you at the center?" In, "they wouldn't feed us for a week sometimes, we get hit if we forgot something or did something they didn't like, showering was once a month, and the guard raped many girls there." I, "did he rape you?" in, "no I got away but then I was put into the silent room for a week. It was so scary. just the dark and no food, only one bottle of water." she looked about ready to cry. I calmed her down. i, "ill never do that to you." She held onto me tighter. I whispered sweet nothings into her ear. she went limp in my arm. I quickly got up and went to the hall. I failed a number. By the second ring they answered. i, "she told me everything and now I'm pissed." Bailey, "they're going to try and do it again. they're going to say the depression it getting to her and they're scared she might hurt herself." I, "but she's an adult and they can't do that." Bailey, "oh but they will, her family is very powerful, more than me. they can do whatever they like. so your job is to protect her." I, "I will. I'll protect her" Bailey, "good." he hung up and I went back into the room. she was still asleep. she looked so at peace and happy. it made me sick her family was so evil. I kissed the top of her head and whispered, "I'll protect you."

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