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So i was stuck. Not mentally but physically. I was moving my desk at the school and now i'm stuck between my file cabinets and the desk. I yelled, "Help! Someone Help!!" My leg was stuck to were if i moved i'd break it.  My phone was on the other side of the room. I, "HELP!!!! I'M STUCK!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!" My leg was starting to hurt. I've been here for awhile. I, "help me please." My voice was raw by now. My door flew open. I saw Darren and Bailey. Darren, "How Indira?" I, "Anythings possible." They moved everything. Bailey, "Your leg is purple." Darren, "That's not natural." Bailey, "You go get Nic and his family. oh and Andrew. i'll take her to the hospital." Darren gave me a unknown look. I croaked, "i'll be fine. Go." Darren ran. Bailey picked me up. Bailey, "You're really light. Have you been eating right In?" He started to walk to the parking lot. I, "I have." Bailey, "The truth." I, "Fine, No. it's just my mind goes haywire and i forget all about eating." He placed me into the car. Bailey, "About what?" I, "Clare came to the house and reminded me about my problem. I ruined all there lives when that happened. Nic and Clarisse might not remember but i jacked up everything for them." Bailey, "Thinking about won't help Innie. And your sister has no right to put that on you." I, "Are we almost there? My leg is killing me" Bailey, "Here." He parked and came to my side. He got me and went to the emergency entrance. A nurse came with a wheel chair. Bailey placed me into it. They both started to talk. 

I woke up. I saw everyone. Nic, clarisse, Mom, dad, Darren, Clare, Bill, Fey, Jack, Bailey, and Andrew. I, "What happened?" Bailey, "You past out from lack of water and food." Seemed like everyone but Bailey, Darren and Andrew were giving me a look of disappointment. A nurse came in. Nurse, "Ms. Enlow! You're awake. I'll go get the doctor." She left. Mom, "why haven't you been eating?" I was about to answer. Bailey, "Asking her questions will stress her out. So please don't. We don't want to worsen it out." Just then the doctor came in. doctor, "Hell Ms. Enlow. I'm Dr. Hort. You sprain your ankle but nothing to bad. You'll be using crutches for a month. Oh and please eat more." I nod. He left us. i, "Can you all leave but Bailey. No Leave but Bailey." They all looked shocked. Mom, "Indira!" I, "I need to talk to him." Andrew, "Come on. She asked us to give her some privacy." I smiled at him. They all left. Bailey, "Let me guess. You want me to get you actual food." I, "preferably Fried chicken. And mash potatoes." He chuckled well leaving. My head started to pound. I pressed the nurse button. The nurse from earlier came in. Nurse, "I forgot to introduce myself I'm Rina. So you called." I, "Can i get some headache pills?" Rina, "Yes. But the way Mr. Hunky is the best boyfriend i've ever met." I, "Mr. hunky?" Rina, "Tall built, Blonde, Greenish eyes." I, "Oh he's not my boyfriend. The Tall fit, Black hair, blue eyes is my fiance" Rina, "Well the chemistry between you and mr. hunky is huge. He cares for you a lot." She left and came back with some pills and medicine. I, "Yeah i know." I toke the medicine. Rina, "So what happened between you and Mr. Hunky?" I, "His name is Bailey. Um we dated for 7 ish years. Engaged for 1 year. He cheated on me and now i'm with Andrew." Rina, "What was Andrew to you before all that?" I, "He was my best friend." Rina, "A forbidden love. OMG!!!!! So are they both competing for your love?" I, "I guess." The door came open. Andrew strolled in. Andrew, "How are you babe?" I, "i've been better." Andrew, "Where did Bailey go?" I, "To get me food." I yawned. Bailey came in with fried chicken. I, "That better be from Lander himself." He smiled and nod. I quickly devoured it. Bailey, "Lander says, get well oh and He'll be bringing you your favorite dessert soon." I jumped up and smiled. Andrew, "Lander?" I, "Bailey's father. Best chef ever!!" "You just make my ego grow everytime i see you sweetie." Lander walked in. Bailey huffed. I opened my arms. I, "I missed you so much." Lander, "Let me guess you were doing Indira type stuff and got hurt." I, "How did you know?" everyone seem to watch us. I, "So where is the most amazing dessert ever made?" he pulled it out from his bag. There stood the worlds yummiest pie. he placed it infront of me. I ate it in record time. Bailey just laughed. Everyone was kinda confused. Lander, "Hello i'm Lander brown. Bailey's Father and As Indira implies the best chef ever." 

Lander and I went through many memories. He had gone to spain earlier this year. He told me everything he learned. 

Bailey's POV

I watched my dad and Indira talk like Besties. I smiled. Andrew, "They seem really close." I, "She's like a daughter to him. Ever sense my sister died." Andrew, "Sister?" I, "My mom and sister died in a car accident. She helped us throught it all." I looked over to see my dad telling her crazy stories. I turned to andrew and said in a hush tone, "Her family is going to do something they'll regret and if you join them i'll presonal find you and kill you. I might've messed up big time but i love her with everything i've got. Just remember what i said Andrew Wick." I walked off. I could sense her family ready to put her down. I just hope they'll think before doing. 

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