Love somebody

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Andrew, "Let's go swing." I, "First one to swing the highest has to kiss the loser!" We ran the swings and started to swing. I pumped my legs trying to get higher and higher. Andrew, "Pump those little legs IN!" I laughed out loud. We got higher. I was so close but he won again. I jumped out off my swing. He did the same. Andrew, "I won." I, " you sure did. Now kiss me you fool." He towered over me and pushed his lips on mine. Not to sound so cliche but i felt the fireworks explode every time we kissed. Andrew pulled back. Andrew, "Did you?" I nod my head. I pushed our lips back together. After awhile it started to get cold. I, "We should get home." Andrew, "Yeah." He got up and pulled me up. We cleaned up the picnic. I grabbed his hand as we walked to his car. We got into the car and got warmed up. He turned on the radio. Love somebody came on. I looked over to him and smiled. I, "I love you." Andrew, "I love you."

As excepted we met Nic at the door. He was taping his foot. Acting like an angry dad. We both cracked up. I, "Why hello Dad." Nic, "Like i'd be your dad." Andrew, "You two are so odd." Darren came out to the entrance. Darren, "Babe come back. I'm lonely." Andrew, "Wait that makes Nic the mom and Darren the Dad." We high-fived each other. Nic muttered, "immature asses." Darren picked him up and took him to the room.

I, "I had a great night tonight." Andrew, "me too." He came closer to me. Andrew whispered, "can I kiss you?" I faltered for a moment. Bailey never asked for a kiss he just took it. I, "yes." His lips brushed mine softly. Then he pushed his lips on to mine. The kiss was sweet and innocent. He pulled away. Andrew, "bye. I'll miss you." I, "I'll miss you too." I went inside. I leaned up.against the door and let out a happy sigh. Darren walked out the room. Darren said, "you got it bad. But I got to ask you something." I asked, "what's that?" Darren, "why do you still love Bailey?"

Ending this chapter here. I had to do it. Sorry it's short. But something big is going to happen. Just wait and see.

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