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"you've been a bad slave." Bailey said. He took my hair in his hand. Bailey master commanded, "on your knees and hands slut!" I kept my eyes forward. Knowing I'll get punished more if I moved. I could here him coming back. Master, "20 spankings and you count them. If you mess up we start over got it whore." I, "yes master." He places the paddle on my left cheek. And Wham! I, "one master."  

"Indira wake up." I looked over to see Andrew. I, "shit Andrew. What ate you doing here?" Andrew, "bought you breakfast. Since you have no work." I, "thank you." Andrew, "oh and darrens here as well." He sat next to me on my bed. I mumbled, "I missed you." Andrew, "hey uh In. Can I tell you something?" I, "yeah." He scratched the back of his neck. Andrew, "I ah iloveyou." It took me a minute to realize what he said. I tackled him. Crashing my lips to his. I said inbetween kisses, "I..... Love....... You...." Our kisses turned into something more. Wink wink.

Nic, "next time can you both keep it down." Andrew, "not my fault your sister is a screamer." I chocked on my spit. I slapped him upside the head. Darren, "nics a screamer too." I laughed. Nic turned Beet red. Andrew, "so Ms. enlow, can I take you out on a date?" I, "you may." Nic and Darren started to chuckle. The rest of the afternoon went on like that.

I got on a nice blouse with my favorite skinnies. I curled my hair up and got some lip gloss on. Nic, "damn girl you look fine." He snapped his fingers. Bailey was right. He was too sassy. I, "ok sassy Queen calm your royal butt down." He scoffed, "I am f THE sassy Queen peasant." He walked out to his room. I shook my head and exited my room. A knock came from the front door. I walked to it. Nic ran got to the door before me. Nic, "nope. I get to answer it." He pulled the door open. Andrew stood there with a bouquet of roses. Nic grabbed them. Nic, "so where ya taking her?" Andrew, "out to eat." Nic, "she better be back by 10. Not 10:01 or 10:05. 10 on the dot." Andrew, "yes sir." Nic smiled and left sith my roses. I, "he's so embarrassing." Andrew grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car. He opened my door for me. I, "so where we going?" Andrew, "it's a surprise." I, "it's one of those typical dates huh?" Andrew, "maybe." He drove for like 30 minutes. He pulled over and whipped out a blindfold. He tied it around my eyes. Andrew, "can you see anything?" I, "yea darkness." I could hear him mumble smartass. He started to drive again. 5 minutes late he stopped. Andrew, "we're here. Don't take your blindfold off. I'll come and get you out." He got out went to the trunk got something from there and helped me out. He held my hand guiding me to the spot. Andrew, "ok let's get this blindfold off." He untied it and it fell. I couldn't believe my eyes. I, "this is were we first met." Andrew, "yeah. I thought I'd take you through memory lane."


My mom was cheering me on. I was trying to make it across the monkey bars. Mom cheered, "just 3 more in." I could feel my hands slipping. I looked forward to see a little boy. Boy, "yew can make it." I pulled myself to the last bar and made it. The boy helped me get on the jungle gym. I, "thank yew." Boy, "name es Andrew. What is yews?" I, "Indira but call me In."


Andrew, "remember what happened at the swings." I blushed. I, "yes. Weren't we like 10?" Andrew, "yeah." 


We were swinging. Andrew, "who ever swings the highest has to uh um give the loser a kiss." I, "fine." We swung our little hearts out. Andrew end up winning. I jumped out of my swing. He stopped his. I, "you won" Andrew, "I did." He walked over and gave me peck on the lips.


I, "so many memories." We we're siting on a picnic blanket. He pulled out food. Andrew, "I love you." I, "I love you too." He lend over and kissed me. Andrew, "let's eat." We ate all the food. This date was a dream come true.

My master, or My lover (bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now