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We we're in the middle of time square. He still had the ring in his pocket. I was curious to see what he was up to. I was looking at the signs. It was so colorful at night. People started to back away. Girls we're gasping. I looked to see him on his knee. I went wide eye. Andrew, "I love you with all my heart. We've known each other since forever. You are my best friend, lover, and the light in my life. So I'm promising you I'll always love and cherish you. So will you please me let love you whole?" He pulled out the ring. I was so shocked. I, "I uh ah oh." I could feel everyone looking at me. I saw a guy. He had a camera. I didn't know what to say. I, "yes." They all cheered. The guy took pictures of us. Andrew slide the ring on and kissed me. Andrew, "I love you." I, "I love you too." I was looking for that guy. I felt something wrong with him and the camera.

I sat by the window in the airplane. The ring laid heavily on my finger. Andrew laid on my shoulder asleep. He had our hand laced together. I suddenly felt afraid. What if he does what Bailey did to me? What if he thinks this is a mistake? I felt tears going down my cheeks. I sniffled. I don't think I could go through rejection again. A flight attendant noticed I was crying. Guy, "is something wrong miss?" I, "no just happy. I got engaged. Just took me a minute to realize it." Guy, "congratulation. Can I get you anything?" I, "some tissue and water please." He walked away. I calmed my breathing down. He came back with my stuff. Guy, "can I see your ring?" I pulled my hand away from Andrews and showed him. He gasped. Guy, "your that girl." I, "what girl?" Guy, "the one on the new and in the newspaper." He pulled out his phone and showed me. There stood Andrew and I. That man with the camera. Guy, "it was the most romantic thing ever and it was we're those two people kissed long time ago." I, "the famous time square kiss." Guy, "yes same exact spot. You two made history. "

The plane landed. Andrew held my hand. I, "we're in the news." Andrew, "how?" I got my phone out and found the article. I showed him it. He smiled. Andrew, "do you think our families saw this?" I, "no doubt about it." Some girls came up to us. Girl 1, "hi! I'm Jules. Are you two from the news. You proposed to her right we're the famous time square kiss was?" I, "yeah." Andrew, "we are." They all squealed, "I hope to find a guy just like you." I giggled. Andrew, "I wish you good luck. Now we must get home." We walked away. We get to drive for three hours.

We pulled up to my apartment. My living room light was on. We got out and traveled up the stairs. I unlocked the door. I saw our families. I, "told you so." My mom up and went up to me. She grabbed my hand and studied the ring. She stepped back. I gulped. Lauren, "congratulation." Andrew and I looked at each other. Andrew, "your not mad?" Bert, "Shocked yes. Mad no. It's your guys life." Andrew, "we're not getting married right away in about 2 years we will. But she is going to be moving in with me." He held my waist possessively. I liked it. Carson, "that's good to hear."

Andrew, "aren't you happy we're finally done?" I, " I didn't think I'd have so much stuff." I fell on his bed exhausted. He chuckled at my over dramatic moves. He left the room. All of a sudden music came on. I got up and went to the living room. Andrew, "let's dance." I walked over to him and we started to dance. The song Dance with me tonight came on. I gave Andrew the really look. He rolled his eyes. He spun me around.  We swayed to the song. He pulled me closer and kissed me. Andrew, "you're so beautiful."

So I can't find a good picture of Andrew. You'll have to wait and see what he looks like for awhile. 
Oh and next chapter is big and very bdsmish.


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