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I take a deep breath every time I pass your door

I know you're there but I can't see you anymore


I walked up the stairs going past a the doors. Straight to his. I was scared to see what's going on in there. I pushed the door open. There I saw Bailey fucking that nasty slag. He had her tied up, nipple clamps on, ball gag in mouth and a collar on. I started to clap. I cried, "bravo. Great show Bailey. You can have your collar and ring back." I dropped them in front of me. I, "and to think I loved you." I walked out. Left him there. It's like I can't see him anymore.


I woke up in a sweat. I heard my doorbell go off. I quickly got up and dressed. I yelled, "hold on!!!!!!!!" Andrew sat up. I ran to the door and whipped it open I saw my brother and sister. I, "oh it's just you two." I went to close the door but nic stopped it. Clarisse, "mom said to let us stay for two days." Nic, "dad and her want some bow chica chica wow wow time." I, "TMI!" Andrew came into the living room with only boxers on. I blushed. Nic, "it seems like you got some bow chica chica wow wow time." I slapped him upside the head. Andrew, "Nicolas Gabriel enlow shut up." Andrew left the room. I, "make yourself at home and no bothing me." I followed Andrew to my room. He stood by my bed. Andrew, "I wish I could take you again." I, "horndog" he tackled me and started to tickle the heck out of me. I begged, "please stop. I'm going to pee my pants. Please stop Andrew." Andrew, "say I'm the sexiest man alive." I stuttered, "you're thhhhhhee sexxxieestt Mmaan a-liivve." He finally stopped. I got up and ran to the bathroom.

Andrew, "let's watch a movie." Nic, "don't you ever work Andrew?" Andrew, "ya but I'm off til Tuesday. Or whenever there's an emergency." I, "stop being such a pain Nic." Clarisse chose a movie and popped it into the DVD player. Nic groaned, "not a Disney movie." Sleeping beauty came on.

The song once upon a dream came on. I sang it softly into Andrews ear, " I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream

I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem

But if I know you, I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream

But if I know you, I know what you do You love me at once The way you did once upon a dream

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream

I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem

But if I know you, I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream."

Andrew, "your voice is amazing." I blushed. I, "you're so cute." Andrew, "please I'm adorable." I giggled and went back to playing with his hair. He hummed, "nics passed out and so Is Clarisse." I looked over to see them asleep. I, "awww." I took a pic and.posted it online. I, "aw sweet sweet revenge." Andrew chuckled.

I yelled, "GET UP YOU BUMS TIME FOR SCHOOL!!" I heard them both groan. Nic yelled, "FUCK YOU IN!!!!!!" I snickered. I made myself coffee and a bagel. Clarissa came in all cheery. Clarisse, "I love mornings!" I, "who is he?" Clarisse, "Darren Will." I, "you mean the big old Jock who is your twins enemy Darren will?" She nod guilty. I shook my head. Forbidden love.

I, "Nic what is the answer to 20?" Nic, "uh 2x+5." I, "correct." I heard someone cough nerd. I looked over to see Darren. I, "got something to say Mr. will?" Darren, "no" I gave him a narrow look. I, "ok notes" the whole class groaned. I, "oh you big babies." I turned on the power point. Clarisse gave me daggers.

Someone knocked on my door. I, "come in." Nic came in. I, "what's brings my dear little brother to paradise?" Nic blurted out, "I'm gay." He took a deep breath. I, "ok. So what made you tell me?" Nic, "I knew you wouldn't judge me. You never did." I, "your right on that. So when did you find out?" Nic, "in 9th grade when a guy kissed me. He's now my boyfriend." He suddenly blushed. I squealed, "who?!" Nic, "uh Darren." I, "holy shit. This is awkward." Nic, "I know we're "enemies" but that to keep us a secret." I, "no no. I saw that coming but someone else likes Darren. Like twin someone. But ya didn't here it from me." Nic laughed, "funny how we have a same liking in men." I, "you're not mad?" Nic, "I've already got him so she can't do much. Can you help me tell Clarie, mom, and dad?" I, "I'd do anything for you Nic you my little bro. I kinda have to anyways. But can I bring Andrew?" Nic, "yeah. Darren you can come in!" In stepped Darren. He seemed scared. I laughed, "no need to be scared but you hurt him. I'll go to your house and cut your balls off. Got it?" Darren, "yes Ms. enlow." I, "call me Indira outside of class." Nic, "his parents are coming over so we can tell them all at once." I, "technically killing two birds with one stone." They both nod. Darren grabbed nic's hand. I cooed at the cute gayness. I, "I got to ask. who's the pitcher and who's the catcher?" They both blushed a deep red. I, "is Darren the pitcher?" Nic blushed even more. I, "I'm right!!" Nic, "it switches up." I rolled my eyes. Someone else came in to my room. We all looked over. Andrew walked in with a smile. I could feel the butterflies swarming. I, "hey there cutie." Andrew, "hello lovey. So what's going on here?" I, "Nics gay and dating Darren will." Andrew, "sweet." Nic, "you don't care?" Andrew, "my older sister is a lesbian and she has a wife and two kids. So ya I don't care. Love is love." I smiled real big. Darren, "you're awesome." I, "oh God here comes the ego.." Andrew, "I know im awesome." Nic, "now just to tell our parents." He looked nervous. Which was rare. Darren pulled him into a hug and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. Andrew and I awed at them.

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