his choice

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There is some naughty scenes in this chapter. So be warned.

Good day to y'all

As he begins to raise his voice

You lower yours and grant him one last choice


"I'm just saying she was eyeing you all night and then you let her flirt with you." I murmured. Bailey, "why can't you TRUST me? WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE? GOD INDIRA!" I, "because because," Bailey, "YOU CAN'T EVEN COME UP WITH A GOOD REASON!" I, "Bailey I CA-" Bailey shouted, "OH SHUT UP INDIRA." tears flooded my eyes but I wouldn't let them go. I didn't say anything back. Give him a choice.


These memories kept playing in my head. That day was when we started to get distant and him leading up to cheating on me. Andrew, "aqua or green?" I, "aqua." Andrew, "ok. You ready Babe?" I smiled and chirped, "yes. Time to par-tay!" He chuckled. We got into the limo. I leaned against him. Taking in his scent. He smelt of lemon and earthy smell.

Andrew, "God your so weird. But I love it." I, "sure ya do." He rolled his eyes. Andrew, "everybody is gonna be there." I, "yeah." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a light kiss. The limo stopped. We got out and went to the entrance. He held out his hand. I grabbed it. They opened the door. We walked to the stairs and gradually went down them. I spotted our families right away. They watched up come over to them. Clarisse, "you look beautiful Indira." I, "so do you." Mom, "you two look good with each other." Andrew, "thank you Quinn." We all talked about the ball.

Music started to play. Andrew, "may I have this dance?" He bowed. I blushed lightly. I, "you may." I took his hand and we we're on the dance floor. We danced another 2 times before we got tired. Andrew, "let's go get a drink." I nod. We got to the condiment table. I got a glass of champagne.

We stood there talking. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Bailey. Bailey, "may I have a dance with you?" I gave Andrew a weary look. Andrew gave me a just get it over and done with look. I, "fine." He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Everyone started to waltz. Bailey, "you look beautiful like always." I, "thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." Bailey, "you know you're making me jealous." I, "how so?" He led down and whispered, "I just wanna take you right here, make you beg and whimper for me." I gulped. It sent shivers down my spine. Bailey, "tie you up and fuck you so hard you can't walk, spank your pretty little ass til it's red." I bit my lip so I wouldn't groan. Bailey, "you'd like that huh slut?" Luck was on my side. Andrew came and whisked me away. Andrew, "what was he telling you?" I, "it's to private to say out loud." Andrew, "you're trembling In. Let's go home." We went to our parents to tell them bye.

We we're at my apartment. Andrew, "now tell me. What did he say?" I, "he uh want tofuckmesohardandspankme." He took a minute to take in what I said. Andrew shot up and growled, "that fucking bastard. I'd fuck him up right now. Next time I see him, I'm going to kill him!" I grabbed his hand and said, "calm down boo. I'm ok now." He was about to ramble on but I shutted him up with a kiss which turned more heated. He pulled away panting. Andrew, "stop distracting me In. I'm trying to be mad. Now stop." I pushed the dresses straps down and let the dress slowly slide down. I, "I guess I'll just go to bed alone with only the sheets nothing more. Your choice to come or stay mad." I stepped out out of the the dress and pranced away. Making sure to wiggle my butt. I got half way down the hall when he grabbed me and raced to my room. He threw me on my bed. He took off all his clothes and attacked me.

He pressed his lips to mine in a feverish kiss. I deepened it. My hand went to his hair pulling at the little hairs causing him to moan. His hand trails down my body. His right hand found one of my nipples and squeezed it. I moaned loudly. His left hand pushed my indeed down and off. He pulled away from the kiss. Andrew huskily said, "you're so God damn beautiful." He kissed every inch of my face. He started down my jaw to my neck. He found my soft spot right away and left his mark. He kissed and sucked all the way down to my core. He kissed my inner thighs. Finally getting to my bud. He started to lock my cunt. Poking his tongue in and out. Making me wither in his hands. I moan, "fuck ANNDDDDRREWW!" I arched my back. He kept down it. He stopped all of a sudden. I whimpered. Andrew, "we're getting to the best part." He leaned forward and caught my lips. One of my legs went up on his shoulder and the other around his waist. He started to push in slowly. Making sure not to hurt me. He was really big. I felt full with him in me. I breathe out, "move please." He started to move slowly. In and out in and out. Then he got it. I saw white. I shouted, "RIGHT THERE ANDREW HARDER FASTER!!!!" he started to go faster and harder.

I was about to hit my high and I knew he was too. His pounding got sloppier. I cried out, "Aaaaaaannnndddddddrrrrrrreeeeeeeewwwwww!!!!!!!" He moaned out my name. We collapsed. Our breaths we're heavy. Andrew turned and looked at me. He smiled and gave me a slow, sweet kiss. We both fell asleep instantly.

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