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Everyone Hates Mondays. Even us grown-ups. I wanted to murder a few of my students today. It seemed all the teachers seem mad. Some kids were acting worse than usual. I signed and fell back into my seat. I just wanted be home in my bed. The door was pushed open. I saw Darren. Darren, "He broke up with me." I, "Wait what?!" Darren, "He said i kept things from him. If i couldn't trust him we shouldn't be together." I, "don't worry Darren i'll fix this all. It's my fault anyways." I pulled him into a hug. He sobbed. I rubbed his back and tried to quiet him down. I can't believe he would break darren's heart over something so stupid. Darren held on to me tighter. After  awhile he pulled away. Darren sniffled, "Thanks Ms. Enlow." I wiped his last tear and smile. He grabbed his backpack and left. I rubbed my temples. i curse, "Such a fuck up." I walked to the prinpcle's room.  I knocked and stepped back. I heard a come in. I Walked in. Mr. Guard, "How may i help you Ms. Enlow.?" I, "Can I please leave?" Mr. Guard, "Why?" I, "I'm close to having a meltdown. I don't want to do it in front of my students." Mr. Guard, "What's wrong?" I croaked, "Everything." Tears were ready to be unleashed. But i held them back. Mr. Guard nod and said, "You may leave. I'll get someone to take you spot for today." I, "Thank you." I got up and walked out. I saw Nic. He was walking down the hall with Peter. He looked up to see me. A tear broke through. It slipped down my face but i kept a blank expression. He looked at me. I shook my head and walked straight ahead. I quickly typed up a lesson plan. I left it on my desk and left. I got to my car and got in. I took a deep breath and drove off. I got home and ran inside. I got undressed and and slid into the bed. Without Warning my body shook and i cried. Sob after sob left my mouth. I wept until i had no more tear. But i still couldn't calm my breath. I fell into a black void. 

I woke up to arms around my waist. Memories surged threw my brain. I started to bawl again. In a flash Andrew pulled me more close to him. Andrew, "Shhh. It's okay babe. Please calm down. Shh. I'm here now.. Shhhhh....." I wailed, "I'm suck a screw up. I mess everything up." Andrew, "No you're not. Why do you say that?" I, "I broke up Darren and Nic. My mom and dad hate me." Andrew, "Whatever is going on between Darren and Nic Is not your fault. Nic just needs to be more reasonable. And for your parrents they'll never hate you. They love you too much." I, "Where would be without you?" Andrew, "Lost." We both cracked up with laughter. I, "I love you so much." Andrew, "Feels so good to hear you say that." I sniggered. 

I sat in the kitchen watching Andrew cook chicken alfredo. My stomach growled. Andrew, "Woah there tiger." I shook my head. A loud knock went through out the house. i jumped off the counter. I walked to the front door and pulled it open. I saw my Older sister. Clare smiled at me. I, "What are you doing here?" Clare, "Nic told me you left work before it started and he saw you cry." I, "It was nothing. Andrew helped me through it." Clare, "We don't want you know what happening again. Indira." I, "It won't ok. Now you need to go home you have 4 kids waiting." She rolled her eyes and left. i closed and locked the door. Andrew, "Who was it?" I, "Clare." She knew how to remind me of how much i messed up our whole families lifes up. Andrew, "Oh. So guess what?" I, "What?" Andrew, "This guy came through the hosipital. He was going to have surgery in 2 days. He saw my picture of you. And he went off about his love. It was so cool." I smiled. I, "How nice."  

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