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I looked at the clock. 1 hour 32 minutes and 15, 14, 13 ,12 ,11 ,10 ........... seconds until parent teacher conferences. I hated this day the most. Parents come in here and try to yell at me. Sorry to say but you son or daughter is not a genius. I got the cookies, coffee and water all set up. I saw everyone getting ready. This was a hectic day. I sat down and waited. I didn't have to wait long. In came the first mom. And man did she look piss. I stood. I, "Hello, I'm Ms. Enlow. and you are?" The mom gave me a glare and said, "I'm Heathers mom Lizzie. I want to know why my daughter is failing you class. She's a genius." I almost snickered at that. I, "Why don't we sit down and discuss this." She blobbed down and did as well. I, "So not to be rude but heather doesn't pay attention. I've moved her countless times to stop her chit chat. I've even asked her to come to tutoring to try to get her scores up." Lizzie, "She's tells me your harsh and don't know what your talking about." I, "Mrs. Denton I wouldn't be working as a math teacher if I didn't know what I was talking about. I went to 4 years of college. So I do know what to talk about. And I am not harsh. Your daughter actually has back talked to me many times." Lizzie, "How much are your tutoring sessions for?" I, "There free."

I got yelled at 7 times, almost punched twice and hugged 15 times. I packed up my stuff and left. I got home to see Andrew Eating pizza. Andrew, "How was conferences?" I, "Don't even." I fall onto his lap. He chuckled. I took the piece of pizza out of his hand and ate it. Andrew, "I was going to eat that." I shrugged and got an other piece. I, "So we have to eat dinner with our parents tomorrow." Andrew whined, "WHHHHYYYYY?" I giggled, "Cause my mom said so." Andrew grumbled, "The typical mom saying."

It was pouring rain. I was out on a highway trying to get to my moms house. My car started to slow down I looked at me dash. Engine troubles. I, "Fuck fuck fucking fucker fuck!!!!" I quickly pulled over to the shoulder. My car died. I, "stupid piece of shit!" Damaged thought my purse trying to find my phone. I, "there you are!" I pressed the button. It blinked died. And shut off. I, "why me?" The rain got heavier. You couldn't even see a foot ahead. I couldn't do anything.  I suddenly felt hopeless. Tears rushed to my eyes but I wouldn't let them go. Out of no where a car pulled up. A man got out. He came to my car. I three open the door and saw Bailey. He looked at me surprised. Bailey shouted, "come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his truck. He helped me in and ran to the other side. He hot in and started ths car. Bailey, "lucky enough I drove past." I shivered, "yeah. Thanks." He shrugged and drove slowly. Bailey, "it's to dangerous to go back. We'll have to go to my place." I, "you finally done remodeling?" Bailey , "yeah got down last month." He pulled up to his house into his garage. We both got out and went inside. The power went off. Bailey, "just great."  I felt fear gulp me up. I was super afraid of the dark. Bailey, "and now your fear comes in."

He grabbed me into a hug. I clung to him.

We went to kitchen. He searched through the draws for candles. I clung to him tightly. I was terrified. Bailey, "I forgot how afraid you we're of the dark." Suddenly light came in to the kitchen. He had 2 lit candles in hIs hand. He gave me one. Bailey, "come follow me." We went to basement. He walked down a long hallway. He stopped infront of a door. Bailey, "this was the room I reconstructed. It was for you before all that stuff happened." He voice cracked at the end. I, "let's see what's in there. He pushed the door open and went in. Bailey, "hold on." He went in and lit candles. I stood by the door way. The light eliminated the room. I gasped. It was a playroom. Crops, whips, gag and much more stood on the wall. But what caught my attention was the stand in,the middle of the room with a collar on it. I walked over to it and slowly examined it. It was pure black leather, two diamonds on each side of the name tag. The name tag read Indira in perfect cursive. I looked up to him. He had a sad smile on he face. I, "how much did this cost?" Bailey, "75,000." I, "it was as much as this ring." I knew I should of done ghost but it felt right. I got the collar on and quickly undressed myself. I, "we shouldn't let such a fantastic playroom go to.waste master." Bailey, "I can't do that to you Indira." I, "how about we make it a dream. Once the sun comes up it's done no more." Bailey, "just a dream." I , " just a dream."

I was on my knees. Hand tied back behind my back and knees shoulder length apart. Bailey walked around me thinking. He had on no shirt or shoes. He was in front on me. Bailey, "first punishment kiss my feet 10 times." I bent down and kissed each toe once. I got up on my knees and kept my head down. Master, "beg me for forgiveness." I, "I'm so sorry master, I've been a bad slave to you. Please forgive me master. Please forgive me master." He walked over to the wall with crops and whips. He grabbed one and came back. Master, "come on." He pulled me up and brought me over to a table. It was for spanking. He pushed me onto it. Master, "10 on each cheek. No moving, screaming, or whimpering." I, "yes master." I felt a sting on my right cheek then on my left. I was pretty sure they we're a bright red when he was done.

He pulled me up. Master, "good pet." He pulled me into a heated kiss. I moaned loudly into his mouth. He carried us to the bed. He tossed me onto it playfully. He creaked on top of me and held my hand above my head. He kissed softly.  He pulled away. Bailey, " are you ready?" I, "yes master." He lifted my hips up and slowly slid into me. My breathing labored. I forgot he was huge. I clawed his back. He started to go in and out. I met his strokes. He slammed his lips onto mine. We went into full on make out. His tongue explored my whole mouth. He started to go faster and harder into my cunt. I screamed, "  MASTER BAILEY." I arched my back in ecstasy. Bailey strokes got sloppy. He was so close. Bailey, "cum with me pet." I saw white and felt bliss. I screamed out. My organism came powerfully. Bailey came. He came in and out a few times. He pulled out. Bailey, "I love you." I whispered, "I love you too." He pulled me into his cheat. I fell asleep to his heartbeat. The only thing that came to my mind was only a dream.

My master, or My lover (bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now