Chapter 1: Ellie

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7.47. "SHITTTTTTT," I moaned. You would think a 26- year -old grown woman could manage to set an alarm clock correctly. I lightly slap my cheeks and scramble out of bed. I trip over a messy mound of clothes and wires on the floor and stubbing my toe on the chair. "Ow, FUCK". I whine.

Gracefulness and elegance were not traits I possessed. My mother never liked my foul mouth. She always said I must have gotten it from my father. And my sass.

It was my first day at my new job and I was late. Great Start, Ellie. I had a smart office outfit picked out but when I put it on I decide I hate it. "Ugh why have I never anything to wear?" I say as I fall over the mound of clothes on the floor for the second time.

I ruffle through my closet and decide I'm just going to go casual. "Start as you mean to go on El," I muttered to myself, half smiling. He Won't like this.

I took one quick glance in the mirror, a household item I tended to avoid lately, as much as possible. It's not that I was particularly unattractive or anything. I used to work out every day so had an okay figure with curves in the right places, but I've always just been a bit self-conscious, I guess. Much worse now though.

Okay, Black denim jeans, a Foo Fighter tee and converse. "That's as good as it's gonna get," I mumble, suddenly feeling a little sad.

As least my hair looks good. It's falling down my back in loose, thick brown curls. I'll have to thank Nat for that When I speak to her later. She had barged her way into my apartment last night when I told her how nervous I was about starting my new job. She brought Ice cream and wine and decided to give me a little make over. As much as I protested at the time I'm really glad she was there.

She's one of the few people from Tony's world that I really know. When I met Nat at one of Tony's ridiculous parties three years ago, we just clicked and since then, our relationship has grown steadily. My good friend; the Russian, assassin Avenger.

I had been introduced to some of the others over time, much to the obvious inconvenience of Tony. Rhodes, Bucky and Clint were nice enough to me, seeming to take an interest in my life. Captain Steve Rogers however, was a different story. I had first seen him at some function Tony was throwing, just over a year ago. I spotted him from across the room and immediately noticed how handsome he was. Tall, broad and completely ripped. I was excited to meet him and ask him all about his past. He was Captain America for crying out loud! I was just about to introduce myself when he completely ignored me and turned on his heels. I've seen him around a couple of times since then but he barely even looked at me. It was awkward to say the least.

Before I sprint out the door I pick up the photo from my bed side locker and kiss it. "Wish me luck, Mom," I whisper and hold the frame to my chest.

I make it just in time for the train. Destination- Up state New York. As I sit down and watch the skyline disappear I start to get a sickening knot in my stomach.

I check my phone. 6 missed calls from Tony. Go to hell. To be fair, he has tried to reach out to me more in the last few months. I sigh as I reluctantly replay our most recent fight in my head.

It had been days since we last spoke and I wasn't particularly happy about how we left things off. I never am to be honest. When Tony and I do see each other it always start well but then erupts into a damn fight! It's exhausting. I used to stand up to him and stick up for myself all the time but, lately, I just haven't got the strength.

I want to get on well with my half brother but he makes it so fucking hard. And deep down, I just don't think he likes me very much. But the things he said about my mother this time, really got to me, and I hated him for that. Yes, his father cheated on his mother with my Mother, but they were both to blame! Not just her. To say that she trapped him made my blood boil. Howard Stark seduced her and when she found out she was pregnant with me he left. He was the asshole not her. God I miss her.

As if the train was trying to snap me out of my daydream I jilt sideways and smack my head against the window. I jump out of the doors narrowly missing an old lady with my bag and run up the huge driveway.

An hour and a half late. This is not a good start. He'll be mad as hell. My new boss. Ugh.

I reach the obnoxiously large building where a massive "A" is blinding in the June Morning light and couldn't help but roll my eyes.

But, I'm scared. I'm just about to start a new job in a Computer lab with some of the smartest Scientists in the world. No reason to be nervous. My new boss picked me specifically for this job because he knows I'm good at what I do. He is my brother after all...



***Well that's the first chapter. Again I've never written before so any advice/comments or tips would be very helpful. but I hoped you liked it.****

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now