Chapter 9; Reconnaissance

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It's 10 minutes to departure. I'm standing in the jet hanger waiting to board. I feel violently ill. Nat puts her hand on my shoulder and reminds me; "it's just recon. Don't worry," giving me an encouraging smile. I return a shaky smile before turning to the door. I'm wearing the same suit as Nat and feel like I'm about to go scuba diving. Its black, skin tight material makes it hard to breathe but at the same time, strangely, makes me feel strong. Everyone's heads turn as Steve walks towards us. He's wearing his full Captain America uniform and holding his shield. My mouth drops to the floor as my eyes wander down below his waist. I thought my suit was skin tight but? - Nat elbows me in the side. He stands in front of the four of us. "Ready?" All I can do is nod, words failing me. He smirks and heads over to a petite blonde woman holding out a clipboard. "Morning sir," she squeaks and bats her eyelashes like a school girl. "Good morning agent Black," he says politely. "Is everything ready?" he asks, signing some papers. "She's all warmed up for you Captain," the woman replies in a sultry voice. I roll my eyes. "Maybe you can take me out for a spin in her one of these days?" Steve chuckles once and runs his hand through his thick blond hair before handing back the clipboard. "You trying to get me into trouble agent Black?" He teases and walks towards the jet. I start to feel my blood bubble under my skin as she giggles. We walk up the ramp of the jet but not before I find myself giving this gorgeous woman a dirty look. She notices and smirks, raising her eyebrow at me. My feelings of panic are suddenly overshadowed by something else.

I take a seat towards the middle of the jet and take a deep breath. "I got this," I'm repeating to myself over and over again, quietly. Bucky plonks himself down in the seat to my right and slaps his hand on my thigh, smiling encouragingly while Nat and Clint take to the pilots' seats. To my surprise Steve takes the seat to my left. "You're not the Captain, Captain?' I ask trying to muster a smile through the nerves. He chuckles deeply "No, I prefer to focus on other things before a mission," he replies, resting his head on the back of his seat exposing his chiselled jaw and wide, strong neck. I bite the inside of my cheek before asking; "Are you okay Steve?" He a dangerous look in his eyes. "He's fine El, just wants to finally get these bastards after everything they did to us." Bucky interjects.

I nod, looking at my feet. I can't help recalling Bucky's stories on how HYDRA tortured him and were the ones responsible for Steve crashing his plane into the ice and taking everything away from him. I turn back to Steve wanting to reach for his hand to comfort him but the sudden burst from the engines starting up makes me jump and I scramble to find my belt buckle. We're already 20 feet in the air when I'm still struggling to fasten into my seat. A second later, Steve is directly in front of me leaning against my neck to find the straps. He pulls the thick leather over my head, accidentally grazing my cheek with the thumb as he does so. He reaches his hands around my back and pulls the straps forcefully, tightening them just under my breasts. My lips are centimetres away from his and I realise I'm holding my breath. He pulls tightly again, making me jerk. "All set." he says quietly into my left ear and sits back down, closing his eyes. I swallow, hard. It feels like my ear is on fire and I have to concentrate on breathing normally.

I don't say a word for the rest of the flight. I have enough to worry about without trying to grapple with what I'm currently feeling. We're friends. Colleagues even. But the image of his throat right next to my lips is burned into my brain and I can't seem to not stop thinking about his warm strong body inches away from me. Stop Ellie. Concentrate on the mission. I remind myself, angrily.

"ETA 3 minutes guys," Clint calls and I jolt upright in my seat. I look out the window. The jet comes to halt and sets down in a field. "Take a look " Nat says, making me jump. She's standing beside me holding the most high-tech, micro telescope I've ever seen. I look. A few miles away stands the huge, dark, menacing facility and I start to feel faint. Steve touches my shoulder and I jump again. "You're going to stay here with Nat and Clint and get the data we need." He commands, full of authority. All I can do is nod. But his hand is then, suddenly, on mine as I realise, I'm holding onto the arm of my seat for dear life. "You'll be fine." He looks deep into my eyes for a second before turning away. "Ok comms check," he barks. "Tony you with us?" While the others are making sure they can all hear each other Nat tells me to sit up front with her so we can set up the laptop. "Check," she says as Bucky and Steve are just about to exist down the ramp. I hear myself shout "be careful." Steve turns back and says "Always," before saluting and jumping out the door.

I'm frozen, still looking at the ramp when I hear Nat scrambling for something beside me. She's opening the laptop and typing furiously. Clint busies himself at the back of the jet saying something about a man about a horse. I look back to Nat letting my eyes follow the words in front of me and gasp. "YOU LIKE STEVE ROGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!" it says in full Caps. I whip my head up to look at her. "What are you talking about I don't like St-" her hand slaps over my mouth stinging my lips. She points to communications microphone on the dash and I nearly die of embarrassment. My face feels like it is going to spontaneously combust. "I. Do. Not" I mouth to her my eyes pleading. She rolls her eyes and types. "Talk. Later.' I panic. Oh shit.

"Okay Nat, we're in position. All clear. Go for satellite pics." I hear Bucky say over the radio. I snap out of my mortification and try to focus on the task at hand. Once I'm doing my thing on the laptop everything else is forgotten. This is my happy place. I know what I'm doing and, in that minute, completely forget that I should be shitting my pants. In a matter of seconds, I've hacked into HYDRA's system and am downloading all data I can find, camera footage from inside and photos of the facility, including floor plans. "Okay Bruce, I say into the mic. I'm in. Sending documents now." Nat beams with pride beside me. I sit back in my seat and relax for what feels like first time in weeks. "Wow. Ellie this stuff is incredible. With this kind of information, we can infiltrate HYDRA's plans and stop them before Malik's even had his morning dump." I hear Bruce say excitedly. "Excellent work." he says and I smile wildly. Wow, maybe this Avengers stuff isn't gonna be so bad after all.

"Great job sis." Tony says. And I think I hear a hint pride in his voice. "I told you," Steve whispers. And I know he's talking directly to me. "Okay guys, let's get outta her-" Nat starts to say before there's a huge blast and we both jump out of our seats. "Nat! Nat! it's Steve! He needs help, quick!" Bucky shouts over the radio. Nat leaps down the ramp and disappears so quickly she's a blur. I feel like a brick just landed in the bit of my stomach and I stop breathing. "Ellie, what's going on?" I hear Tony Bark over the radio. I run over to the door and try frantically to see the spot Nat ran to. Nothing. I jump out the door and pace back and forth up and down the ramp. "Clint! Start the engine!" I hear Nat call as I finally see her read hair hurrying around the back of the jet. She's in front of Bucky who has Steve over his shoulder.

My heart drops. "Get in!" Clint bellows as we all hurry back on board. "What the hell happened?" Clint asks as he lifts the jet off the ground. "Old mine in the ground, he took a hard hit." Bucky says laying an unconscious Steve on the floor at the back of the jet. I feel tears stinging in my eyes and they eventually spill out onto my cheeks. There's silence for a second until- "What an idiot!" Clint says laughing hysterically. "Always careful my ass," Nat smirks shaking her head. I look at them in utter bewilderment as they take their seats. "Nice one Cap!" Tony says sarcastically. "We're okay. No one from Hydra seems to have heard." Bruce confirms clearly being able to see the camera footage I just sent. "Wait! Stop! We have to do something; you have to help him!" I plead as I kneel down and take Steve's hand. Nat looks at me and smiles cheekily. "He'll be fine El. Just needs a minute or two to snap out of it. Serves him right for being too distracted lately." Just as she finishes her sentence, I feel Steve stir beside my knees. He squeezes my hand tightly and coughs. "Steve, Steve are you ok? Can you hear me?" My face three inches away from his as I give him a shake with my free hand. "That one hurt." he says laughing with his eyes still closed. I freeze in amazement. My mouth hanging open. It's at this moment he realises someone's holding his hand and he sits up quickly, his breathing deep and heavy. He rests his head against the wall of the jet and looks into my eyes, still holding my hand firmly. I shake my head, completely bamboozled. He raises his free hand to my face and wipes a tear away. "I'm ok Ellie. Super solider, with magic powers, remember?" He asks laughing weakly and wincing. I drop his hand forcefully and march back over to my seat, sit down and cross my arms. "Ooh Rogers, you're in trouble." Bucky teases and I hear Steve chuckle. I turn further away from him and let out an angry puff of air. But then I'm smiling, relieved. I feel his eyes on me for the rest of the flight... Asshole!

Oh shit. Do I like Steve Rogers?

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now