Chapter 14; This is awkward

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It's six days until Berlin and the reality of the pressure I feel is really starting to kick in. After the bomb in D.C. I was adamant that I would do this mission. And do it well. Tony had cornered me again just before I was discharged from the hospital and pleaded with me to re-consider.

But I'm sick of being the victim and really do think I'm strong enough now and can... you know, help save the world. I can do this.

"Tony, you got me into this mess and now I'm going to see it through. I'll be ready." I said, earnestly. The look on his face was a perfect mix of fear and pride. "Oh, by the way. I saw the GQ article." He froze in his tracks. "Thanks for what you said. It means a lot." He smiled, looking embarrassed. Then, he wrapped me into a tight hug before snapping; "dunno what the hell you're talking about."


Steve hasn't said much to me since I came back three days ago, my arm in a sling and cuts all over my face. He did give me a quick hug when I got home but he has tried his best to avoid me. I had recalled something about me telling him he was pretty? But I'm sure that was just a dream. I don't know, maybe he's just anxious about the mission. HYDRA did ruin his life after all.

I'm in the gym now, letting out all my frustrations on one of the many punching bags draped around the place. Tony has me working crazy hours in the lab to make up for my "vacation," as he so lovingly put it, the last couple of days. We're making sure all our data and technology is up to scratch and that we have everything we need for next week. I've been working on my de-encrypting skills using an algorithm I've designed and actually feel like; if I don't die trying... Once I hack HYDRA's main frame's system, I'll actually get this formula and take these bastards down.

My anger is over shadowing the nagging pain in my right shoulder. The doctor said I would need to leave my sling on for at least a week but with time running out now, I need to get my head in the game. Anyway, I know from past experiences that I heal quite quickly. I shake my head and try punch the bag with my good arm, as hard as I can. I'm sweating all over and completely lost in thought when an enormous metal arm grabs me around the waist and lifts me into the air spinning me around. "Jesus! What the hell, Bucky? My shoulder!" I snap, absolutely livid. "Oh shit, I am so so sorry!" Bucky recoils, looking like a sad puppy. "It's okay, you just scared me, I guess." I reply, my tone much softer after seeing his guilty eyes. "You were going hard at it, I have to say. You're doing so well with your training Ellie. You'll definitely be ready if you need to fight your way out from these HYDRA psychos." I grimace. "Well, I hope it won't actually have to come to that Buck, but yeah, no harm in being prepared." He looks at me and smiles, tenderly. "We won't let anything happen to you Ellie."

I continue to punch the bag as Bucky sits on a bench near me, watching. I suddenly feel very self-conscious. I wanted to de-stress and try to focus, but Bucky is making me nervous for some reason. I look at him from the corner of my eye. He is quite handsome, I must admit. He runs his hand through his shoulder length brown hair and sighs. "You're doing it all wrong, you know." I spin around to glare at him. His body is stretched out along the bench and he's propped up on his elbow. His dark blue eyes are twinkling with cheekiness. "Oh, really? Suppose that has nothing to do with me getting blown up the other day and finding it a little difficult with a dislocated shoulder," I snarl. "Oooooh, sor-ry," he replies, holding up his hands and smirking. "I mean, I could just show you some pointers, if you don't rip my head off in the meantime." I look at him, suddenly really aware that I'm being a total bitch to him for no reason. Bucky is my pal and he's just trying to help. "That would be great, actually." I smile, sheepishly and he's beside me in a second. My back is pressed against his chest and his hands are on my hips.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now