Chapter 3: Inadequate

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I smirk to myself as Dr. Banner lets out an almighty yell and Tony hides under his desk. A coffee mug narrowly misses Tony's head as Bruce storms out of the room. "What was that about?" I ask Tony, only half interested as I'm well used to their antics now. "Geeze, remind me not to forget Bruce's sugar in his coffee next time." He reclines in his chair putting his feet up on the desk.

"You summoned me master?" I ask sarcastically as I take a seat in front of him. His demeanor changes as he looks at me. I'm screwed. "El" he says looking into my eyes. Really looking into them. "You've worked here a month now yes?" he asks. "Wow Tony, no wonder they call you a genius." He gives me a disappointed look before smiling wildly. "You know, sometimes I wonder if we're really related and then you go and make a comment like that." he laughs and I join him. He's quiet again for what feels like a long time.

"I called you here so we can talk about your job performance." He says, seriously, again and I suddenly lose all sense of humour. It had been a month since I started working here. And I have loved every minute of it. The stuff I have learned from working with Dr. Banner has been amazing and It really is so exciting and insane working with such sensitive, top-secret data and information from S.H.E.I.L.D. It makes me feel a bit silly thinking that I nearly turned this opportunity down.

"Hello?" Tony asks waving his hand in front of me bringing me back to the room. "Sorry, yes, I'm listening." He continues; "I've been speaking to Bruce about how you're doing and I'm sorry to say El-" I pick up my water bottle and gulp deeply before he continues; "that he says he actually thinks you're the best computer technician and hacker he's ever met, besides me of course." He's sulking a little. Before I realise what happened I hear Tony yell; "Oh, God dammit!" and grab a towel from behind his desk. I spat my water all over his face. Wow. I mean I always thought I was an ok computer tech but to get a compliment like that from Dr Banner was just-

"AAAAnyway" Tony continues wiping his face again. "On the basis of this glowing green review from Banner I wanted to ask if you wanted some more hours here? Something big has come up and Fury has asked we put our best people on it. It would mean you'll be moving in here, to the compound because I'm anticipating some crazy late nights and will need you at my beck and call." He states firmly. I swallow and take a breath. "Tony, I would love that but I'm really not sure if I'm really the person you need." I look down at my feet. "Kid, I have just told you that Dr. Bruce Banner has told me you're the best," he barks. As happy as I was to hear that, I couldn't help but wish it was Tony saying he thought I was the best. Not Bruce. I hated myself for that.

"What's the job?" I ask before I start getting emotional. "There's been information leaked to S.H.I.E.L.D which is pretty time sensitive and - he pauses. "Wait what the hell does that matter? Just do it, what else you got going on?"
I get the sense he's not sharing the full details.

I nod slowly, my eyes transfixed on a drop of water sliding down my water bottle. "Earth to El!" He snaps. I raise my head and look at him. "Tony, as I said, I really appreciate the offer but I don't think I'm person you need. I'm just- not good enough." I say quietly and I feel the tears start to bubble under my skin.

"Jesus Ellie, he really did break you down, didn't he?" He blurts out angrily. My head whips up to face him. "What did you say?" I look at him with equal feelings of embarrassment, anger and confusion. "Nothing, Nothing!" He says, quietly, shaking his head rapidly. "No, Tony." I'm standing up now. "Who are you talking about? Howard?" I ask, confused. "Lee." He replies. I stop breathing. I'm trembling and the tears are free flowing, now. "How do you kno-?"

*Knock Knock*

"COME IN!" Tony shouts. I wheel around and freeze.

"What is it Cap?" Tony asks cheerfully, fully delighted to be saved by the bell. "They need us downstairs Tony, Fury has arrived." replies the Captain. His blue eyes darting between me and Tony. "Be right there." Tony chimes and literally sprints out of the room. I remain standing facing back to the wall away from Captain Rogers and frantically wipe my tears away. I don't dare turn around but I know he's still there. I think I hear him take a breath to speak when Clint pops his head in the door; "Rogers they're waiting for us." he says. Captain Rogers doesn't speak but I feel him leave the room after a moment. I slump down to the door and cry the hardest I've let myself to, in a long time.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now