Chapter 11; I was not expecting that

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"You're getting so much better." Nat pants as she wipes the sweat from her forehead. "Yeah." I breathe heavily placing my head between my legs. "I used to think if I had to fight one of the bad HYDRA guys, I'd be killed instantly... Now I think I'd last at least 45 seconds before dying." I say as sarcastically as possible as I gasp for air. "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best." She recites and drags me up to go another round.

It's ten days until we infiltrate HYDRA and steal the serum formula. My panic is keeping itself at bay for now, mainly because I did a good job on the recon mission, but I fear I may be letting that give me a false sense of security.

"Ready?" She asks crouching low. "Morning ladies," a deep, sultry voice calls from behind me. Before I can even turn to look at him, I'm pummelled to the ground. Nat's face glaring down at me. "Concentrate!" she yells. "No distractions". I groan. His arms are locked underneath mine, lifting me up effortlessly. "Sorry," he grimaces running a hand through his damp blond hair. He must have just finished a workout. His white tank top is drenched in sweat. How can I not be distracted by that? I shake my head.

I haven't seen him much since the night we watched "The Wizard of Oz." The past few weeks he's been busy with Fury at S.H.E.I.L.D HQ. most days. Something about super solider D.N.A the other psycho villains Fury had mentioned at the briefing. Steve had told me a few days ago that this particular group was some kind of "anti-hero organisation activists" trying to bomb D.C. I was panicked at thought of something bad happening to him, but he assured me it was under control.

I have to admit; things were a little awkward between us, but very civil. I replayed that night on the couch, in my mind, a few times. He was so sweet to me. But there wasn't a doubt in my mind now that we were anything more than just friends. Hey, I'll take it. I'm really not ready for much more yet anyway. I inwardly recite to myself for the 100th time.

"Again?" I ask Nat huffing. "Yep," she replies grinning wildly and turning her head. "But not with me." I gulp.

"Not. A. Chance" Steve chokes, shaking his head. A frown forms on his face. "Oh, come on! Just a few attacks to get her used to different techniques. She hasn't fought anyone else since Sam that day." Steve shudders, slightly and looks at me raising his eyebrows. "I'm up for it if you are Rogers." I say, confidently placing my hands on my hips. He puckers his lips before sighing. "I do actually want you to practice defending yourself properly. So... I'll do it," he says hesitantly. "But I swear I will not hurt you." He adds, earnestly, looking deep into my eyes. I clear my throat. "Who says you'll be the one doing the hurting?" I tease and he bites his bottom lip, smirking. "Okay, El, get into position." Nat orders and I crouch down low. He stretches and faces me dead on. He looks nervous.

I sprint at him with all the power I have and raise my left elbow hoping to connect with his chest. He moves to the side effortlessly like he's waltzing. I stumble forward but he catches me and chuckles. "Again!" I order. "If you say so ma'am." I feel butterflies in my stomach.

This time; I wait. He glares at me for a moment before lunging. I try to duck but he's too quick for me. He lightly grabs me by the waist, pushing me and I fall backwards. His hand Catches the back of my neck before my head hits the ground. "You, okay?" He's looking down at me trying to read my expression. "Fine." I mumble standing, up straight. "One more!" I say forcefully and he nods. I plant my feet, puff out a gust of air and dive.

I'm in his arms again. He spins me around so my back is against him. His hard chest pushed against me, tightly. His left arm is wrapped around my torso, squeezing me, firmly, directly under my breasts and his right hand is locked around my throat. I gasp. He takes a breath before applying just enough pressure so it's uncomfortable, but not sore. Then, he tilts my head up using the thumb that is resting just under my jaw. "What do you do, Ellie?" He whispers in my right ear. The touch of his lips sending a shock wave of adrenaline coursing through my body.

This isn't like before. I'm calm. I know Steve won't hurt me. I'm not scared of how he's trapping me at all. What does scare me is that, I like it.

Before I can stop myself, a soft moan escapes my throat. His body goes rigid behind me. He's not breathing.

I freeze, realising what I just did. I try, frantically, to focus and remember what Nat taught me. I close my eyes and breathe slowing. I ram my elbow as hard as I can into his sternum then immediately throw my head back and smash it into his face. He releases his hold on me and stammers backwards holding his nose. Blood is gushing down his arm. "Excellent, Ellie! Good job!" Nat bellows with pride but I can't look at her. I'm running over to Steve, my face bright red. "Oh my God, are you okay?" I'm completely horrified. He tilts to the side head and looks at me with utter shock, not saying a word.

"What the hell is going in here?" A voice shouts with equal measures of confusion and glee. I spin round to see Tony standing at the door, arms folded in amusement. "Your little sister just broke Captain America's nose," Nat beams. Tony looks at me, his mouth open. "Well, shit," he says. scoffing, "I've never been prouder, El." Steve is just standing there, blood dripping down over his lips making them bright scarlet. It makes me feel woozy. "Well, Cap, when you're done scraping your ego off the floor, Fury needs you. Something about blood samples." Tony says, cheerfully. "Blood samples?" Nat asks surprised. "They need a sample of the serum in Cap's veins to see what we're up against with the new strain HYDRA is cooking." Tony says, nonchalantly. "Bring the kid, actually." He says, smirking. "What?" Steve and I both ask in shocked unison. "Yeah, it'll be good for her to check HQ out. Besides...she can be your bodyguard." Tony's lips are tight trying to stifle a giggle while existing the gym. Steve sighs and turns to Tony, preparing to argue but Tony quickly shouts; "Be ready in twenty," and he leaves. Steve looks at me with an expression on his face that I can't read. Then he's gone.

I turn around slowly and sit on the bench next to Nat, my mouth on the floor and blinking rapidly. "Well, it's a good thing you have a full twenty minutes," She smirks. "Cause I think you're gonna need a long, cold shower after that." She fans herself with her towel as she leaves the gym shaking her hips. I lower my head down into my hands and groan, loudly.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now