Chapter 22; Goodbye, Steve

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It's been twelve hours since Steve was taken into the operating room. We haven't heard much, only that he was still undergoing surgery. Nat had gone to a clothes shop and bought me a pairs of jeans and a hoodie. I hadn't realised that I was still wearing my blood soaked HYDRA uniform.

Tony had asked a doctor a few hours ago to take a look at my wound which I had completely forgotten about. "You must be in a lot of pain, Miss." The doctor had said while applying fresh stitches. "This is a pretty bad laceration."

"I'm fine. Is there any update on Captain Rogers?" I asked, fully knowing the answer.

"They'll tell you when there's news to tell," he smiled kindly. Nat had said that it must be a really complicated surgery with Steve being enhanced and having weird mutant blood. She was trying to cheer me up. It didn't help.

Bucky is here with me now in the waiting room. The others have gone back to New York to meet with Fury and de-brief him. Nat stayed, she's gone to the hotel room she got for us. I refused to leave the hospital.

Every time the door opened I would look, anxiously, hoping it was someone with some good news. Any news. The last time the door opened, I had noticed Bucky's head whip around also.

I turn to smile at him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Is he going to make it, Buck?" The tears have come again, I'm surprised I have any left.

"He better, or I'll kill him," he laughs once before turning somber again.

"I've known him since I was thirteen years old. He was this weak, tiny little thing with the biggest heart I've ever seen in any person. He was so brave, even then and would do anything to help anyone in need. He's saved my ass more times than I care to admit. And I never thanked him, really. He has to be okay," I notice Bucky's voice start to crack and I grab his hand.

"You really do care very much for him, don't you?" I ask, quietly.

Bucky pauses for a moment before saying; "He's my brother."

The guilt I've been feeling since last night has intensified. Hearing what Bucky said, about how selfless Steve is made me feel even worse. I couldn't stop thinking about the night we were in my old apartment and how mad I was at him for rejecting me, but now I fully understand that he was protecting me. He risked his life to save me. He always just wants what's best for me and will do anything to keep me safe. Even leap in front of a bullet.

Just then, the young doctor that was giving Steve CPR on the way in comes into the waiting room. Bucky and I both jumpto our feet, both relieved and terrified to hear what he had to say.

"He's stable."

I drop my head and close my eyes, letting out shaky, deep breaths.

"He's in recovery now, there were complications during surgery. He was unresponsive for a short time but we were able to get him back and finally remove the rest of the bullet fragments and substance that was ultimately poisoning him. Now, we are aware of Captain Rogers's... abilities and are sure that if he wasn't well, Captain America.. he would not have survived this." The doctor looks exhausted.

Bucky holds out his metal arm and shakes the doctor's hand, ferociously. "Thank you, doctor. You have no idea how grateful we are."

They both turn to me. Tears are pouring from my eyes as I wrap my arms around the doctor's neck. "Thank you," I whisper.

He smiles, politely, before continuing; "He needs a lot of recovery time and possible physical therapy. It's just a case of wait and see if his healing abilities return to normal. We have him in an induced coma just to be safe, but again, I recommend he stay here for a few weeks so we can keep an eye on him. But I expect him to make a full recovery. He is a very lucky man." The doctor finishes and excuses himself after we thanked him again.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now