Chapter 17; Missing

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I'm sprinting as fast as I can down the driveway of the compound but I stumble and fall, crashing to the ground, painfully. I scrape myself back up, screaming in frustration and throw my heels behind me. It's started raining now and the heavy droplets sting my skin. But I keep going.

I make my way onto the train platform and hop over the barrier, getting terrified looks from passers-by as I do so. I must look deranged but I couldn't care less. My destination was only a few stops away. As the train halts, I jump off and continue darting. The rain is torrential now and I'm completely soaked from head to toe. My skin tight dress is making it hard to run. I yank at the hem just above my knees, causing the material to tear and a huge rip goes right up my left thigh. I reach the massive Iron gate and kick it open. It's pitch black and I can barely see my hand in front of my face. I go to look for my phone for a torch but only then realize that I don't have it. I don't have anything. I'm bare-foot in a skimpy dress covered in mud and cuts. I finally stop and lean over to try catch my breath. I look around, frantically and notice a battery powered candle on one of the graves to my right. I pick it up and use it to search for her name.

His words are playing over and over in my head. How could she do that? How could he blame me? I turn a corner I recognize and walk, slowly until I reach the cream coloured, marble headstone. I read her name and collapse to my knees, wailing. The filthy gravel underneath, cuts into my legs but I barely notice. I look at the wilted flowers in the vase and sob even harder. I have been so busy with my pathetic life that I realize I haven't been to see her in months. And there she lies, the bravest, most self-less woman I've ever known with a daughter who's world has completely fallen apart.

"Why did you do it? You could have had everything!" I scream, the rage in my voice making it hoarse. I drop to the ground and curl myself into a ball, weeping harder than ever. "Why didn't you just tell me? I would have understood. I know you were trying to protect us."

I lie there, trembling from head to toe. I have never felt so alone in my entire life. Although hearing what Tony said shook me to my core, the worst part of all was the lies and secrecy.

I get that my mom felt like she was doing the right thing, keeping me away from that life and trying not to split a family apart in the meantime. But, I know she loved him. To make a sacrifice like that for the person you love? I don't know.

It's not her I'm furious it, really. It's Tony. Furious but, also, heart broken. If the table was turned, how would I feel in that situation?

I'm exhausted and trembling so hard that my brain gives up. I have no idea how long I've been here but it feels like hours. I try to move my legs to stand but they're frozen stiff. Anyway, I can't go back to the compound. Jesus, I feel like I can't lay my eyes on Tony ever again.

There's a faint sound in the distance. It sounds like it's getting closer but the howling of the wind and hail makes it impossible to make out. Is someone calling my name? "Ellie? Ellie where are you?" It sounds frantic, worried. Steve?

I muster all the strength I have left in my body and raise my arm in the air. He sprints over to me and crashes to his knees beside my head. "Thank God. Ellie, what have you done to yourself? You were there one minute and then you disappeared. I thought something terrible happened to you." I feel something warm and heavy wrap around my shoulders as I'm lifted up into his chest. He's panting and soaking wet. "I've got you, you're okay, you're okay," he repeats, quickly. I gaze up at him. "S-s-Steve." My voice trembles. My teeth are chattering and I'm shivering, violently in his arms. "Ssssh, It's Okay, I've got you," he says, softly. I can just about make out car headlights in the distance. He opens the door and lies me down on the back seat, wrapping a blanker around my body, over his leather jacket. "I c-can't go b-back there S-steve," I stutter. "Okay," he replies, sweetly. "I'll take you anywhere you want to go." I don't even pause to think before I say; "My old apartment." I'm so dazed that I don't try to question him when he replies immediately with; "Okay, We'll be there shortly." He knows where I used to live?

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now