Chapter 29; I know he'll come

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I can't feel my arms. I've no idea where I am or how long I've been in this cell but it feels like days now. After Malik made the video he cut me across the stomach with something sharp. I must have passed out because when I woke up, he was gone. I've no feeling in my legs but the pain in my torso is making me nauseous. I've definitely lost a lot of blood. What's left of my white blouse and grey pencil skirt are now, mostly black with dirt and blood stained. I glance up at my hands, the chains are wrapped so tightly around them that they're turning purple. He left the tape off this time and I run my tongue over my lips. They're swollen and cracked with dehydration and I can taste blood on the inside of my cheeks.

I don't want Steve to come for me. I actually hope they didn't even receive Malik's tape. But I know they did. And I know he'll come. But he can't give Malik his blood! That's all he needs. He needs his blood to complete his toxic version of the super soldier serum that runs through Steve's veins. I'm sure Tony has come up with a plan. But I'm not stupid. I know Malik has no intention of letting me go. Even if Steve does get here, Malik will still kill me. I just hope it's quick. They shouldn't worry about me. They need to stop him before it's too late.

I can't swallow. The pain in my throat is making it impossible. That fucker squeezed my neck so hard the last time I think he bruised my vocal chords. I should be terrified. I should be screaming and trying to escape but I know there's no point.

It's funny, really. The reason me and Steve agreed we could never be together, the fact that it was just too dangerous seems so futile and childish now. My number was up the moment I agreed to help Tony and the team on this mission. I was doomed from then on. I should have stayed with Steve in the gym that night. I should have wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, touched him. We could have been happy, together, even if it was just for a short amount if time. I shouldn't have been so stupid and realised that everything he did, following me, stopping Lee, he was just looking out for me, saving me, again. The tears have come now. I don't care about any of that shit anymore. All I want is to be in his arms with him holding me and kissing me and telling me everything will be okay, before I die.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the key turning in the the exterior door. I try to swallow and stand up as straight as I can. He's going to kill me anyway, I can't let him see that I'm afraid. I need to be strong.

Thank God, It's not Malik

A young soldier walks in with a cup of water. He doesn't look older than eighteen. He walks to the door of my cell and reaches for his keys which are hanging off a chain beside his gun holster. His hands are shaking and he's avoiding my eyes. He walks over to me and I hold my breath, momentarily. He meets my eyes as he holds the cup out to me. I let out a breath and nod. As I take gulps of the tepid water he looks away from me, again.

He seems uncomfortable, sad even. I finish the water and pant. "Thank you," I croak. There's something about this man, a vulnerability that throws me. He doesn't seem as hard or violent as the others.

Maybe I can use him

He nods and turns on his heel. "Wait!" I try to say, hoarsely. "Can you bring me some gauze or a bandage? My stomach is cut and I'm losing a lot of blood." He glances at my exposed flesh which is gushing blood. He looks like he's going to get sick. "I know you're not allowed to help me, but please. I'd be so grateful" I smile, weakly. Fakely.

He nods once and leaves the room. I let out a sigh of relief.

A few minutes later I can hear screaming in the hallway outside. It's in German so I don't know what they're saying. The door bursts open and Malik storms in dragging the young solider my the scruff and holding a bandage in his hand. He throws the man to the ground and opens my cell. I tremble as he darts over to me. He looks furious. "I think I underestimated you, again. Trying to use that pretty face of yours to manipulate my staff into helping you. What did you think would happen? You'd dazzle this kid and he'd let you escape!" His face is centimetres away from mine. I can feel his disgusting breath on my lips.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now