Chapter 16; The party

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My head is pounding. Oh, God! Why did I drink so much last night? How the hell did I get here? I'm lying in my bed and suddenly realize that I'm not alone. The memories from last night slowly begin to creep back into my mind and I cringe, pulling the covers up over my head. I think he's still asleep. I have my back to him so I can't be sure. I risk turning around, very slowly. Steve is fast asleep, breathing steady, deep, breaths. He looks so peaceful.

Terror hits me like a bomb as I'm suddenly extremely aware that the first man to share my bed in over eight months is Steve fucking Rogers! Even if it was strictly platonic. What the hell am I doing? I decided I was over him and had to move on. I blame the tequila.

My palms start to sweat and I'm hyperventilating. I feel him stir beside me and I immediately shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep. He stretches and I can feel hips elevate beside my stomach. He lets out a soft groan and shut my eyes tighter. "Ellie, are you awake?" he asks, gently. I don't dare open my eyes and try to look as unconscious as possible. He sighs, deeply and gets out of the bed. The next thing I hear is the door closing, softly. Fuck.

I decide that I'm not going to move from this room until the party tonight. I can't face bumping into him. I sit down in the shower and try to organize my thoughts. Okay, Ellie. You like him, you know this. But that's it. You can like someone and still be friends. You're just confused. You have feelings for him but still don't feel ready to be with anyone.... Right? But you can't stop thinking about him!

My head is spinning now and I place my head between my legs and breathe. All I can think about is that prick; Lee and what Tony said and that it's true. He really did fuck me up. It's not that I don't trust Steve. He's the nicest, most caring guy I know. I feel the bile rising in my throat and I hop out of the shower, wrap a towel around me and throw my head into the toilet. After a good ten minutes of dry heaving I scrape myself up off the floor and make my way to my bed. There's a knock on the door. I freeze. I know it's him. I can feel him. I don't dare open it and just stand with my back to the wall next to it. I just wait a couple of minutes before I crack the door open an inch. Something on the floor catches my eye. It's a small tray with a huge mug of coffee, two aspirin and a bar of Cadbury chocolate. I giggle and bend down to pick it up. There's a note under the mug. "Thought you might need these ;p"

I love that man.


"Come on, Ellie! Let's see it. Get your ass out here!" Nat shouts as she applies her lipstick in the mirror. I stand in my bathroom wearing the dress I bought yesterday. I have butterflies in my stomach. It's black velvet which comes off my shoulders and rests just above my knees. Its clingy material hugs my curves and it's shaped in a "V" at my chest and back. With the new black lace, push up bra I bought to go with it, it makes my boobs look good. I have to admit; I don't feel the usual contempt at seeing my appearance. My hair is resting down my back in thick loose curls and is clipped up on one side, above my right ear. I sigh. A mixture of nerves and excitement bubble in my belly. I open the bathroom door and step into the living room, falling over my six inch heels as I do; it's been a while.

"Holy shit," is all Nat can say. She looks me up and down and smirks; "Well, if Steve doesn't want you... I'll certainly give it a go." I throw a towel at her and laugh. "Shut up!" Nat fixes my make up and gives me some of her red lipstick. I feel really pretty. "Okay, let's get out there... But one shot first?" Nat asks, grinning. "Anything but tequila," I reply, nervously.


We step out of the elevator and into the reception room on the penthouse floor where the party is being held. The room is a little dark but there are twinkling fairy lights and candles draped all over the place. The panoramic windows highlighting the city lights in the distance add to the already warm glow to the place. It's beautiful. I scan the room. All the usual suspects are here, of course; super models, socialites, various business tycoons and some agents from S.H.E.I.L.D; "only the fun ones," Tony had confirmed. We spot Bucky, Clint, and Maria at the bar and head over. Nat catches my arm, silently, as I stumble again. "Two Martinis and two shots of vodka please." I ask the bartender, giving Nat a cheeky smile. I spot Happy on the other side of the room and wave. He looks me up and down and gives me a thumbs up, smiling, kindly.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now