Chapter 23; Steve

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She's in.

She did so well getting past the guards on the door. Okay, Ellie. You got this. Just be careful.

I'm pacing back and forth about a mile out from the building's entry way. I wish I can be in there with her, but I know that's impossible. Tony was right, the HYDRA soldier's will have been told to watch out for any of us.

But I can't shake the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach, the worry I feel.

I can see on my device that she has reached the elevator. She must be so scared.

I should have stayed at the compound after the party. I should have tried to speak to her before the briefing, to tell her how sorry I am about what happened at her apartment. I remember the feel of her soft lips against mine and how beautiful she looked standing there in front of me.

I shouldn't have kissed her. But I couldn't help myself. The look on her face when I somehow mustered the courage to get off her bed. She must hate me. And I don't blame her.

The thoughts running through my mind are interrupted when I hear the ping of the elevator door. I look down at my little screen and freeze with terror.


"Oh no, we missed him, he must have been in the basement!"

I panic and scream; "Tony, we have to get her out of there. He'll know, Tony we have to go in!"

I'm about to take off, sprinting when Bucky is suddenly beside me, grabbing my arm. He shakes his head and I throw him a furious look.

He holds up his hand and shows me the screen. I'm holding my breath, watching.

Be calm, Ellie. Be calm, don't act suspicious. She's facing the elevator door so I can't see Malik's face. But I know in my gut that something isn't right.

Then, he gets out of the elevator and turns to her.

"Hail, HYDRA."

Bile is rising in my throat.

Bucky and I watch as Ellie hurries down the corridor to the room with the computer. She's doing so well.

I turn to Bucky, in horror when I notice that there are no guards on the door of the room. He glances at me, sensing my confusion.

"Well the other guards did say it was a slow night..." he says, but I know he feels the same way I do. This isn't right. She's at the computer now, working quickly.

Enough. I'm going in.

"Tony, something's off. I'm going in to get her."



Bucky looks at me, worry plastered across his face. My stomach does a flip when it hits me what's happened.

"Bucky! He's cut the coms somehow! She can't hear us!"

We scramble to look at the screen I see Malik standing in front off Ellie. Then, the screen goes black.

Oh my God

Bucky and I are sprinting towards the front door. There's no point trying to be stealthy, they know we're here. I launch my shield at the to guard and kick through the barrier. Bucky takes out the two on the door as I see Sam flying over head towards the entrance on the other side of the building.

Good, they know what's happened.

We enter the building and are met with a dozen men. They don't last long. Bucky and I take them down in seconds. I have to get the her.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now