Chapter 25; How the hell do you know Iron man?

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Three months later.


"Ellie, you about done with those reports?"

"Yeah, boss. I'll have them on your desk before five," I reply, stretching in my desk chair.

"Great, still on for drinks later?"

"Definitely," I reply, smiling.

Josh winks at me before leaving my office. He's sweet. We've been on a couple of dates but they've been very casual, always ending in a kiss at my door.

I like my new job. Josh hired me as an IT consultant for his small tech firm in Boston. I've been here ten weeks and although it's not, shall we say, as exciting as my last job, it suits me just fine. I have a new apartment, the rent is steep but I had to start fresh. After I left the Avengers compound, I decided that I needed a complete fresh start and my old apartment just had too many bad memories. Out with the old and all that

Breaking the news that I was leaving wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. When I arrived after leaving London they were all waiting for me in the kitchen. I guess Tony had given them the heads up, which I actually appreciated. Nat had told me she had a feeling I was going to go and that she was happy for me. She helped me pack and we had a long talk. I decided to keep the letter a secret from her. I don't know why but I just felt like I wanted to keep what was in that letter between me and... him.

She was so sweet about the whole thing. They all were. I had obviously hidden the real reason I was leaving from them. All I said was that I had already saved the world... what more did they need from me? "But we will see you again soon won't we? Bucky had asked, his big brown eyes like a puppies, again. "Sure you will," I lied. Honestly, I wanted to get as far away from this place as I could.

We had drinks and pizza after I had packed up my room. We toasted and said our goodbyes. Then, I left. Tony insisted on driving me to the train station. After much refusal, I gave in. "Woah, you're actually driving me? like really, sitting behind the wheel and doing the work yourself?" I joked, elbowing him in the side. "Shut up. Jarvis doesn't do everything for me, you know," he hissed, smiling.

I've spoken to Nat and Tony a few times on the phone when I first arrived in Boston but I'm trying to distance myself from them. Every time I think of Tony or Nat, I think of him. The first few weeks were the hardest. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I missed him so much but I just threw myself into my new job and forced myself, reluctantly, to go with with Josh after two weeks of him asking. I do like him. He's kind and funny with jet black hair and brown eyes. He's originally from New York too, we actually grew up a few blocks away from each other so have something in common.

At 4.55 I switch off my computer and collect the dozens of folders in front of me. I yawn and bend over to put on my heels. The one bad thing about my new job? The formal office attire requirement. I knock on Josh's door and he tells me to come in. I out the folders on his desk. "Ready?"

"Yep, let's get out of here," he answers happily and we make our way to the elevator. My new office is located in the city and bar is only a couple of blocks away so we decide to walk. The streets are busy with the usual end of the work week, crowds all heading to the local hot spots. But as we wait to cross the street, I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I can't shake this feeling that someone is watching me. I look over my shoulder to see men and woman in their suits, holding briefcases, minding their own business. A woman catches my eye and nods. I raise my eyebrows but as Josh takes my elbow to walk across the street I realise she was just signalling me to move. I shake my head and laugh, quietly.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now