Chapter 27; You liar!

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I feel like I'm still on autopilot. After the cops left I didn't even take a second to think before I was sprinting barefoot and bloodied to the garage. I only have my car keys with me. Nothing else. I jump in the car and start the engine. My hand is trembling as I turn the steering wheel and speed out of the garage and down to the highway.

My mind is racing and the tears have come again. I Shouldn't be driving. I know that but I have to see him. I have to confront him and get the truth. If What Lee said was true I don't know how I'm going to be able to control myself. I feel like I should be more upset with what I did to Lee tonight. But I'm not, really. I'm glad I finally stood up to that bastard. I didn't kill him. I'm glad of that. But I hope what I did to him haunts him. I hope he rots in jail.

It's a three hour drive to the compound. The blood on my hands is starting to congeal now. It's hard and sore and making my knuckles tight. My face is on fire. I glance in the rear view mirror. My lip is swollen and cut but the bleeding has stopped. The spot where Lee hit me across my face is throbbing and bright pink. I look terrible. I should stop at a gas station and clean up but I won't. I need to get to New York before my adrenaline disappears and I crash out.

I'm lucky I didn't get stopped by any cops or have an accident because I arrive to New York two hours later. I must have been going some speed.

I pull up to the gate of the Compound and input my old access code. It stills works. The gate opens and I speed up to the garage. I stop the engine and don't take a breath before I'm sprinting up the corridor to Tony's office. It's 1am but I know he'll be awake. I arrive at his office a few minutes later and without thinking, kick the door, hard. It flies open and Tony is standing there, staring at me in pure shock and horror.

"Ellie! Jesus Christ what happened to you?" He sprints over and grabs me by the shoulders. I yank myself free and just start screaming. "Lee! Lee told me-"

He's furious. His entire body turns red and he's shaking from head to toe. "What! He did this to you! What happened? Are you Okay? Where is he? Ho-"

I cut across him; "Forget about him! I put that fucker where he belongs, the hospital and then prison! How could you do this to me? After all this time! You lied to me for a year!" Tony looks so confused and agonized. He lets me scream and vent, just standing there, silently. Completely bemused.

"You promised me! You promised you wouldn't keep anything from me Tony!" I'm sobbing now and I fall to the floor. His arm is around me, confusion still plastered all over his face.

I gasp, trying to catch my breath, ripping away from his embrace. "Why didn't you tell me you knew about Lee? Why didn't you tell me you were fucking there!"

I peer up at him, absolutely exhausted now.

He sits down beside me and starts crying. His head is in his hands and he's shaking. "She told me Ellie, she warned me he was no good but I didn't do anything about it. It's my fault this happened to you," he whispers, still holding his head.

"Who told you? What?"

"Your mom."

I freeze and stare at him, speechless.

"When she got sick, she wrote me a letter, Ellie. She knew she didn't have long. She wrote to me while she was in the hospital during her last few days. She wrote how sad she was that our relationship wasn't better and that she was sorry for what happened with my dad. She told me she knew I was mad at you and blamed you too. But she asked me to look within my heart and try to forgive you and see what a wonderful woman you are. She told me she was worried about you and that she thought Lee was a bad guy. She sensed it. She knew by the way he acted around the two of you that he was dark."

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now