Chapter 13; It hurts

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I can't feel my body. I'm trapped under something heavy and I can't breathe properly. It's pitch black. Are my eyes open? I can make out some faint sounds over the deafening ringing in my ears. My head feels like it's about to explode.

How long have I been here? What the hell just happened? Where is Steve? I'm panicking now as the sobs escape my chest. I try to move, starting with my fingers, they wiggle. I slowly try to lift my right arm but the pain makes me wail. The weight that's crushing my body is moving, slowly. I can hear more now. The ferocious buzzing in my head making room for fire alarms, sirens and heart-breaking screams.

A voice that's very close to me grunts and moans. Steve? I feel hands on my face and neck. "S-Steve?" My throat is so full of dust that I barely manage to croak his name and I can taste blood. "Oh, thank God. I got you, Ellie. I got you, you're okay." He replies, panicked, his voice breaking. "We're down here! Someone! We need help here!" He screams. His pleas are tortured. "They're coming. They're coming Ellie, don't worry. You're safe. I've got you." His voice was quick and pained. A beam of light seeps through the rubble and I can see Steve lying on top of me. His left arm is wrapped securely around my back and his right-hand cups me cheek. He's filthy and there's cuts and bruises all over his face and neck. Blood is seeping from a massive gash on his forehead. I can hear people surrounding us now and feel some of the weight being lifted from my body as the rubble is cleared off us. "Captain Rogers? Are you ok? We'll have you out in no time." A voice screams from above us. He looks at me and takes a breath. "Ellie, I'm going to try to move you, ok?" His thumb is now rubbing my cheek which is soaked with tears. I nod. He lifts me gently but the pain in my right arm causes me to scream in agony. "I'm sorry, Ellie, I'm so sorry. Just one more, okay? I promise." I look deep into his eyes and nod. I lift up my t-shirt and put the fabric into my mouth, biting down as hard as I can and grab the back of his neck with my left hand as he hoists me up. The pain is unbearable. I let out a muffled scream, again and he pulls me tighter against his chest. "I know, I know. You're okay, you're doing so well. Good girl," he recites over and over as he pushes the remaining rubble off us using his back.

I can see daylight now and what used to be the foyer. My eyes sting in the harsh light as they try to comprehend the devastation in front of me. There's nothing but rubble and carnage. The emergency services are with us now. "Sir are you okay? Miss; where does it hurt?" A man asks calmly as he tries, he takes me from Steve's arms. I instinctively strengthen my grip around Steve's neck and bury my face further into his pounding chest. "I've got her," Steve says as he places his chin on the top of my head and walks us to an ambulance. He carefully places me onto a gurney and I wince from the pain. I only realize now that my t-shirt is still bundled into my mouth. Steve gently removes what's left of the material from between my lips and looks into my eyes. He doesn't seem to be injured badly but he looks like the one in agony. "Okay sir, we're ready to go here. If you would like to go and get checked out by one of our EMTs and we can bring her to the hospital." The paramedic says as the driver starts the engine. "I'm fine and I'm not leaving her," Steve replies, bluntly while holding my gaze the whole time. I smile, weakly and he takes my hand.


There's blood all over me and the pain is crippling. I'm screaming but no sound is coming out. My body is pinned to the ground and I can't move anything but my head. I turn it to the right and see Steve and Tony lying beside me. Dead. There are body parts everywhere and I'm covered in rubble. I try to get up but the pain sends me into a frenzy. "Steve? Steve! Wake up! Steve please don't leave me. Wake u-" My head is spinning. I can here beeping and something in my hand.

"Ellie? Ellie! I'm here, you're okay." I wake with a jerk. My breathing is rapid and I'm drenched in sweat. "Ssssssh It's okay." Steve says, rubbing my good arm. "You were dead. You and Tony. Dead. I can't, Oh God." I sob, confused. He sits beside me and gently wipes my forehead with a cloth. "I'm right here, Ellie. I'm fine. We're okay. sshh"

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now