Chapter 19; The mission

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I don't speak for the majority of the flight. I can't. I'm trying to go over the plan in my head but every time I do I keep imaging the worse case scenario, which is, you know; mass murder, pain and suffering. While changing into my HYDRA uniform; (a khaki coloured shirt and skirt) and putting on my camera glasses I replay my conversation with Tony.

Before we got on the jet to leave, He gave me the biggest hug he's ever given me. "You got this Ellie Hart."

"Ellie Hart-Stark," I replied, sheepishly. He grabbed his heart and faked falling backwards. "Well I figured if I'm never gonna see you again after today, I might as well give you some sort of parting gift." His playful demeanour changed to serious in a split second. His hands were on either side of my face and his eyes were penetrating me, fiercely. "You will get the formula and get out. That's it, Do ya hear me? We will not let anything happen to you. You got this!" He planted a kiss on my forehead, spun me around and kicked my ass. I looked back just in time to see him wipe his eye on his collar.

The sound of the engine decreasing velocity grabs me back to the present. Shit, we're here.

"Okay guys, this is it," Clint calls and I scramble to my feet. "Ellie, you ready?" Nat asks, nodding. "Ready."

I walk down the ramp, stumbling, slightly. It's pitch black but there's flood lights mapping most of the road directly in front of the facility. I spot the truck I'm to use a few yards from the jet. There's a massive red logo on the side of it that looks like some kind of octopus or something. I jump in and start the engine, trembling.

"Okay, Hart. coms Check. You copy?" Tony's voice is in my ear, suddenly, making me jump. "C-copy," I stutter. "Romanoff, Clint?"


"Eyes in the skies?"

"Copy, Copy."




"Copy, Tony."


I freeze.

"Rogers?" Tony asks, again.

"I'm here." Steve replies, his voice low and unsteady.

"Okay, Ellie. Drive up to the main gate and scan your staff I.D card. Remember, your name is Anna Weis and you've just started three weeks ago okay?" Bruce reminds me, confidence in his voice.

"I got it." I start to drive up the scarcely lit part of the road, butterflies in my stomach and beads of sweat dripping from my forehead. I must be fucking nuts. Although I know the team is here, somewhere, I feel so alone and terrified. I quickly glance around and up to the sky, trying to find someone, anyone on my side.

The huge, grey, colossal building comes into view and I jam on the breaks, making them screech. I'm hyperventilating. I place my head on the steering wheel and breathe, slowly, counting to ten in my mind.

"What just happened? Did we lose her?" Tony screams in my ear.

"What? No!" It's Steve's voice now, I close my eyes when I hear the panic in it. "Ellie, talk to me!" Nat screams.

"I'm okay, Sorry, just needed a minute." I reply, faintly.

"Jesus, kid. Don't do that to us again. You good?" Tony asks, firmly.


I look around the vast blackness surrounding me, in utter panic and swear I can see a sliver of shiny round metal glistening in the near distance.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now