Chapter 7: Did I win?

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"Again!" Nat snaps as my back slams to the mat for the 10th time. It's my third week of training and although she tells me I'm getting better, I think she's starting to worry that I'm not cut out for the missions after all. "Nat" I pant. "This is hopeless. I actually think I'm getting worse." I manage to finish my sentence as I crawl to the bench for a sip of water. "You're doing fine." She says with complete lack of conviction. Maybe it's your clothes? those baggy pants and t-shirt are making it too easy to grab you." She rummages through her bag. "Here, get your skinny ass up and go put these on." She hands me what I can only describe as lingerie. A Black sports bra with lace on the straps and a pair of skin tight black bicycle shorts. "Nat, we're working out, not going clubbing!" I say blushing slightly as I hand back her clothes. She points her finger to the locker room and growls. Shit. Better just do it. I keep forgetting she's a trained killer. I sigh.

I stand at the mirror of the locker room and start to feel panicked. This outfit is ridiculous but at this stage I'll try anything if it means I might get better. There are only 5 weeks until the insane mission and only one day until my first recon. I feel bile rising in my throat. The last training session was an embarrassment. Clint and Bucky had just finished in the gym next door and decided to hang around to see how I was doing. After 15 minutes of me getting knocked on my ass, Bucky had to throw in the towel for me. He and I have become close over the last few weeks. He looks out for me. I love hearing his stories about how he and Steve were back in the '40s. My other "friend" Steve hasn't been around much. We've barely spoken since that night in the kitchen which ended on such an awkward note. While it has been much more pleasant to be around him, I now realise that those feelings of affection I'd been having were definitely a fluke. We've a good working relationship and I'm happy with that. I guess I'm just not used to having such a good guy be kind to me.

I sigh at myself in the mirror and head back out to Nat. As I walk into the room, I hear a low whistle. "Damn El, you look good," Sam says with a devilish grin on his face, plonking down onto the bench. It seems that while I was in the locker room Sam, Bucky and Steve have come to watch me get my ass kicked. Again. Great... "See," says Nat, "you may still need work on your combat skills but you've definitely toned up. That'll be useful when it comes to a fight in the field." I shudder at Nat's comment but shake it off quickly. I'm shit enough as it is without having the fear of some bad guy attack me- Again anyways.

We square up to each other. Nat had taught me how to plant my feet in expectation of an attack. I crouch, put up my hands and wait. She lunges at me throwing her right hand over my head to distract me. While I'm watching her hands, she ducks and sweeps her legs behind mine swiftly crashing me down onto the mat. "Oooohhhhhh, ouch El," Bucky and Sam say as they cover their eyes and make faces. This is humiliating. I look over at the guys and give them the middle finger.

Steve is standing against the wall with his arms folded in front of his chest. His sweatpants are riding low on his hips and his blue t-shirt is soaked with sweat. I can't see his eyes with his baseball cap hanging down low over them. He's just watching, quietly. It makes me more nervous.

"Again!" Nat barks and I jump up with more strength than I thought I had left. We crouch in attack position. She, once again, lunges with her right arm over my head but this time I'm fully anticipating her leg sweep. Just as she's about to swing her leg I roll onto the mat and grab her by the knee. With one quick movement I connect with a punch to her gut and send her smashing into the mat. "Yesssss!" Shouts Bucky "Great move, El." He beams at me. Nat gathers herself and stands up. "Nice work Hart," she smiles and pats me on the back.

I look over at the guys and smile at Sam and Bucky for some encouragement. Steve hasn't moved a muscle. What is his fucking problem? I think, getting more and more agitated. "Ok, she's obviously too familiar with my moves so, maybe we need a bit more of a challenge. let's see... Sam? jump in." Nat orders and sits down.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now