Chapter 20; I'd rather die

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We circle each other, eyes narrowed. I try to throw things from around the room at him. He merely laughs, devilishly at my feeble attempts.

"You know, I must admit. As furious as I am that a nobody hacked into our system and stole our most precious files; I'm also quite impressed. You're very good. Maybe you should come for for me instead?" His tone is casual, like we've known each other for years and are out having coffee.

"I'd rather die, you absolute dickhead, thanks for the offer though." I spit back, snarling. Hey, if I'm gonna die anyway, I may as well go down swinging.

He cocks his head and a terrifying smile curls at his lips.

"Oh, you will die, Ellie Hart. But, it will be quick and painless, once you hand over the hard drive; of course," he muses. "If you refuse to give me back my files, I will torture you." He emphasizes the last four words, slowly.

I gulp and start shaking, but not enough to let him see.

I pop the hard drive deep into my cleavage and turn to him, feet planted, fists up at my chin.

"Bring it on."

He laughs, hysterically, looking me up and down. "You have got to be joking?"

I cock my eyebrow, trying to control my shaking fists. He sighs, feigning sadness before smirking and whispering; "I'm going to enjoy this."

He cracks his neck and lunges at me, arms raised. I dash to my left and he stumbles, crashing into a desk. He smirks and shakes it off, before pivoting and swinging at me with his right hand. I block with my forearm and grab his wrist, bending backwards and elbow his face, causing blood to burst from his nose. He yelps in pain, his face scarlet with with wet liquid and anger.

"I think I underestimated you, Miss Hart, but you'll soon regret refusing to obey me," he laughs, humourlessly as he picks up his radio and utter one word; "Now."

There's three almighty bangs one after the other that shake the entire building. As he wipes the blood from his face I can see numerous, massive fires in the distance from the window. Is that? Oh my God

I wheel around and gape at him. "That's right, I've just blown up your jet and your friends. Now, give me the hard drive or you're next."

I collapse to my knees. My heart feels like it's about explode from my chest. I close my eyes, letting tears stream down my cheeks and all I can think about is one person.

Malik's evil laugh fills the room and I tremble from head to toe. Not with fear but blind anger. I jump up from the floor, screaming and sprint towards him with all my strength. I reach for the steel stool, pick it up in one swing and wallop it as hard as I can into his malicious, fucking face. The force of the smack sends him flying three feet into the air and crashing into the wall behind, causing him to black out. I walk over to him and spit at his feet.

I don't have long as an alarm suddenly starts blaring from speakers in the corridor and the lights are cut. I can't see a thing.


I fumble along the wall trying to find the door handle. I can hear Malik stirring so I move quicker. I find it at last and yank it open, sprinting down the corridor. There's flashing red lights now every three seconds, keeping in time with the deafening alarm. I hear footsteps. A lot of footsteps. It's sounds like a hundren men are running up the corridor just around the corner. During one flash, I see a heavy metal door to my right and open it. I step inside the pitch black room, if feels tiny. A closet maybe? I keep the door ajar so I can try to hear my cue to sprint again. "Sie ist im Computerraum. Schnell!" I hear one of them screaming at his fellow soldiers. Computerraum, they think I'm still in the main frame room.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now