Chapter 6: Friends

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I'm wide awake and anxious. The familiar knot in my stomach making it impossible to get any sleep. I look at my phone. 2.35 am. Great. I'll be like a zombie in the morning at my first combat lesson with Nat. There's a text from her saying; "Tomorrow, 7am sharp. Don't be late." Mmm, that was quite abrupt for her. Maybe it's all part of the "Avenger initiation process." I laugh to myself. I'm closer to becoming the tooth fairy than I am to becoming an Avenger. What super powers do I have? Ultra-clumsiness? I can't even wash the dishes without nearly chopping my hand off.

"Three stitches." Bruce had confirmed as he wrapped a bandage around my hand. Steve stood beside me the whole time holding my good hand as Bruce worked on the sutures. Every time I flinched or jerked from the pain, he was there rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand, keeping me calm. I don't know if it was the adrenaline from the wound or the shock of the entire night's events but since then I've noticed myself starting to not totally hate the captain. That was a good thing. We were living in the same building and I needed to not hate him. The odd thing was that when he stood there holding my hand and comforting me, I felt a feeling in my stomach that I hadn't felt in over a year. But my last relationship was hardly the perfect romance, so, I really didn't trust myself to understand what exactly I was feeling for Steve. I mean he's Captain America for crying out loud. He's a super enhanced G.I Joe with muscles on every part of his body that can crush you to death in a second. Last night in the kitchen, however, when I saw a pained, vulnerable look on his face, I began to see that he was more than that. He was soft and kind and caring and- Ugh, what am I doing? I almost chopped my hand off! He was just making sure I didn't bleed out all over Tony's pristine kitchen floor. I shake my head trying to snap out of it. I decide I need chocolate. One of the best things about living with Tony Stark? There's always junk food in the house.

I get out of bed and make my way down to the kitchen. I open the door. It's pitch black and I trip over my feet while fumbling for the light switch. I eventually find it and turn it on. But before I can even adjust my eyes to the harsh light; a huge, solid hand is over my mouth, stifling my scream. Steve is inches from me with a playful smile on his face and one finger to his lip with his free hand. I gather myself and push him away as hard as I can, which was about as successful as trying to move a brick wall. "What the hell are you doing?" I whisper loudly, almost hissing. He recoils immediately, looking taken aback. "I apologise," he says, sheepishly. "Quick reflexes. I thought you might scream with fright and wake everyone up." I roll my eyes and brush past him on the way to the fridge. A thought suddenly pops into my head, one I did not want to be there... I liked the way his hand felt touching my lips.

I grunt in frustration and continue rummaging through the fridge until I find some chocolate. "What are you doing down here anyway?" I ask angrily and turn to really look at him. He's wearing grey sweatpants and a white tank top. He must have just come from the gym because there was sweat dripping down his neck and the veins on his arms are pulsating. I gulp. "I had just finished a workout and I came up to get some juice. I am sorry if I frightened you," he says running a hand through his damp hair. I stare at him completely transfixed and reply; "In the pitch dark?" raising one eyebrow, finally letting some of my tension go. "Yeah, well I've been living here 5 years so I know where everything is pretty well," he says shrugging. "You know, you could have just said; I'm Captain America, I'm a super solider with magic powers and have enhanced senses." I reply cheekily. He throws his head back and lets out a boyish chuckle, clutching his chest with one hand. The sound makes me shiver and I smile to myself. It's a beautiful sound. "Woah, he can laugh." I say playfully and he composes himself, leaving a small hint of a grin in the corners of his lips.

"Ellie", he says slowly, and another shiver shoots up my spine. "I'm glad you're here, actually. I wanted to continue our conversation from the elevator just before dinner last night." I cringe. With all the shock of having been roped into a mission and then nearly amputating my own hand, I had completely forgotten that I had confronted him. "I-" I start but he puts a hand up, apologetically. "No, you were right," he says and I blink my eyes with shock. "I haven't been very welcoming or pleasant to you since you started working here. I wish I had a valid excuse but I don't. I apologise for being rude and making you feel uncomfortable. It really was not my intention." He says, seriously and the look in his eyes as he glares into mine makes me feel dizzy. "It's okay Captain Rogers" I mumble, confused. "I was just worried I had done something to make you dislike me and- "

"Please, call me Steve," he interrupts and walks over to me slowly. There's a look on his face that I can't quite explain. Guilt maybe? Or sadness?

"Ellie, I do not dislike you. I am very sorry I have made you feel that way. I guess being on the ice for so long has made me quite awkward around people," he says looking sad. "Yeah, there was a bit of a frosty reception," I say quickly moving my eyebrows up and down. He chuckles quietly. "You're quite funny, Ellie" he says smiling at me sideways. A lock of his wet blond hair has fallen down into his eyes and for some reason I bite my lip. He notices and clears hit throat. "Anyway, I apologise again and hope we can move past this and be friends." He extends a hand, waiting for me to shake it. I pause, feeling a little nervous. "Friends" I agree and take his hand.

"Ow, fuck" I recoil and a look of horror flashes across his face. "Sorry for swearing," I say, wincing. "It's fine, I just stupidly forgot about your wound," he says angrily as he gently takes my hand in his to examine the damage. "How does it feel?" he asks concerned. "Nice." I reply in a breathy sigh and he raises his eyebrow. "Fine, I- I mean, it feels fine." I stutter. He smiles and carefully places my hand down on the counter. "Besides, I've had much worse than this," I say without thinking looking down at my bandage. Something happens to Steve's face as I spoke. He looks like he was in agony. His breathing has started to accelerate and he stands up abruptly clearing his throat again. "Well, goodnight," he says and turns to leave. "Goodnight, friend" I say with a puzzled look on my face. He slowly turns to me and gives me a smile that makes me glad I was already sitting down.


Hi guys, I don't even know if anyone is reading this story but if you are I hope you are enjoying it. If you any comments or suggestions I'd love to

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