Chapter 32; Please don't leave me

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Malik presses down on the top of the syringe causing Ellie to fall to the ground and then convulse. I'm fighting as hard as I can trying to get out if the grip of the soldiers restraining me. Malik tells them to remove my gag and I'm suddenly roaring; "Ellie, please no! Please fight, Ellie! fight! Stay with me, please." She turns to me and reaches her hand out. I scream in agony and thrash against the men behind me. This cannot be happening

Then she closes her eyes and stops moving. I feel like someone has just stabbed me right through the heart. The pain I feel is overwhelming and my body is quivering. His words now cause me to convulse in anger and devastation. Get your fucking hands off her!

Ellie, please! She can't die. She can't die

As Malik leans over her, his hand at her stomach I swear I can see something move. I shake my head in disbelief as Malik whips his hand away. He's afraid. I search Ellie, desperately for any sign of life. Malik raises his gun to her head in fear. What did he just feel? But then, he crouches down and checks her pulse, shaking his head in false disappointment. I can't breathe. She looks so pale, her lips are turning blue. My heavy sobs are pounding in my chest. He grabs her and moves over to the edge of the building, telling me she will be dead soon.

"No! Don't do it, please. Please just let her go!" I whisper, I, struggling to breathe.

Tony, where are you? If they can get up here I might be able to get to Ellie before Malik throws her over the ledge.

And just like that, I hear a bang and sigh with relief, briefly, as I see Tony and the others storm onto the roof. They're not alone. They're surrounded by soldiers, but it's enough of a distraction for me to break free from the grip of the three men behind me. I don't know if it's my adrenaline or crippling fear, but I'm starting to feel strong, again. Sam is above us then, he screams my name and chucks me my shield. I smirk, inwardly and leap up off my knees, attacking, punching, kicking and fighting with everything I have to make it over to her. Bucky is next to be, helping me fend off the next batch of soldiers to attack. They better move out of my way. A few moments pass and it's just us left. And Malik.

He's standing on the ledge with Ellie, his gun still to her temple. She looks terrible. She doesn't have long. Oh God. Nat and Tony have their weapons pointed to him, demanding him to let her go.

It all happens so fast then, he smirks and wraps his finger around the trigger. Nat shoots first, sending Malik and Ellie tumbling off the side of the building. "No!" Tony and I scream in unison and before I can blink I'm hurtling myself over the edge and diving into the icy water.

The freezing, black water hits me like a thousand knives, piercing painfully all over my body. I scramble to try to find her but the water is so dark it's nearly impossible. My strength is returning, slowly but I'm finding it hard to hold my breath. I swim back up to the surface and take a huge deep breath. My panic and fear is making it hard for the air to stay in my lungs. Where is she? A flashing bright light appears just above my head as Tony tries to highlight the way in the thick, muggy water. It's freezing and my body feels like it's going into shock, I'm struggling to hold my breath but just then, I see a glimpse of white fabric and a mass of dark brown hair hovering inches from the bottom of the sound. I fight with everything I have and swim. I finally reach her and my heart stops. "Ellie!" I scream and scoop her up into my arms and kick with everything I have. Malik is lying a few feet away from her, his eyes wide with shock with a bullet hole between them. As soon as we reach the surface, Tony is waiting. His arms outstretched as he grabs Ellie off me and flies the few feet over towards the field. As soon as he places her onto the grass, I'm behind him, dragging my exhausted body out of the water. I crawl over to her and see Tony, collapse onto the ground. He rips his mask off and I see tears rolling down his face.

He brought me back to life; A Captain America romance; Book one.Where stories live. Discover now