20. You Will Never Know

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I gasped taking them in my hand. I felt a sudden chill go down my spine as held them. Does she know? If she's keeping any such things with her, it means she has been following me or spying on me. That means she knew all this time, about everything we were hiding.

I shook my head in disbelief when I heard distinct voices from nearby. I panicked and kept the things back inside and closed the cupboard pulling the chair back into its previous position.

When the voices came closer, I rushed towards the door and closed it before standing near it so that when they open the door again, I won't be visible. The door opened soon enough and I closed my eyes tight.

When I peeked outside, it was Ms Ivory and Tanner. Harry entered behind them and they got busy talking to each other. I tiptoed out of the room successfully but Nicklaus was right behind, walking with his eyes plastered to his mobile screen. He looked up at me and I instantly changed my panicked expression to a serious one before grabbing his one hand dragging him towards my room. Thankfully, he didn't speak a word until we were inside my room.

"What the hell were you doing in there? "

"I got something,... --"

"Whatever hell you're trying to say, hold it. I'll call her and ask you in front of her about the reason you are spying on her now. "

He said before turning to leave.

"Because she was doing the same to me. "

He turned around frowning.

"Why would she spy on you? "

"That's what I want to know. If she knew it all along, what game is she trying to play with me? "

"What the hell are you talking about? What does she know? "

"She had mine and Jackson's photo in her cupboard. She knew it all along, and I want to know why she's playing dumb now in front of everyone. "

He came towards me and held my elbows moving me closer to him.

"She is not playing anything with you. Stop messing with my mom for getting out of here, Glory. "

My eyes filled with tears. He doesn't believe me on anything. I frowned and tried to wiggle out of his hand.

"You don't believe me when I'm telling you that your mother knows everything from the starting? That shows how much control she has over you all. Let go of me. "

I said in anger and his eyes became more intense.

"You won't go against my mother. I will kill you before letting you hurt her. "

"You wouldn't dare touch me. Keeping me alive is the main reason I'm staying here. "

"You're not more important for me than her. "

He said tightening the grip and I hissed in pain.

"Why did you drag me into this? Why am I still with you? "

I asked trying not to break down as possible. I don't want to be vulnerable in front of him.

He pulled me closer smirking.

"You said that yourself, Glory. You said that you're my girlfriend, remember? "

He asked looking right into my eyes.

"Why didn't you already introduce your so-called girlfriend before her, if you don't want me anywhere near you? "

I asked when a single tear escaped from the corner of my eye. His eyes caught it and for a moment, I thought his eyes softened but he frowned at me before leaving my hand.

"What do you think of me? I don't know you, and neither do I have any special interest in you to get attracted to you. "

He said and I frowned.

"I agreed that you were right because I wanted to get out of her plans of getting me married to some stranger. She wanted me to marry some girl who's capable of handling our type of family problems unlike you or her, so I thought she would not accept her. But when she said yes to you, I understood that Lexi has chances too. "

I felt numb.

So her name is Lexi.

"You're here so that my dad doesn't kill you thinking we're in a relationship. And you're in my life, because of your carelessness. My mother doesn't have any part in it. And you're still here because I want you to be here for now. "

"Yeah because your dad comes for me when your beloved girlfriend stay safe, right? "

I got over the hurt easily, because I didn't expect anything more from him. I wiped off the tear stain from my cheek and walked closer to him when he kept frowning at me.

"Whatever you are thinking of doing with me, I don't belong to anyone. Not even you. And for your mom, I feel pity. Because if she is planning to use me for anything like she does to you, I swear to God, she's going to face some serious issues. And whoever comes in my way will face the consequences. "

I said and he chuckled looking away.

"Who are you to threaten me, Little girl? "

He said stepping closer. And I smirked and went even closer until our nose almost touched.

"You will never know. "


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