31. Try Again

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Harry smiled and directly turned to look at Nik who was trying his best to pretend normal.

I cleared my throat and grabbed everyone's attention and smiled.

"One of Harry's friends, I think. "

I said not able to figure out a more appropriate answer.

"His girlfriend. "

Nik said and Harry choked on the milkshake he was drinking and turned around to glare at his traitorous brother.

He surely wanted to kill him by now.

"You have a girlfriend? "

Ms Ivory asked when I tried not to laugh at the poor boy. I looked up at Nik who was avoiding me and Harry to conceal his secret.

"Looks like everyone has their secrets now? "

Saying that she turned to Tanner who was looking wide eyes at Harry. He shook his head at his mother when her stare became suspicious.

"What? I don't have any secrets like them. Trust me. "

She sighed shaking her head and looked at me with a warm smile.

"I'm sure the one Nicklaus chose is very gentle and sweet. She's an angel, a perfect match for Nik. But you..., Harry."

She looked a Harry who didn't have anything to do with this topic stared at her with wide eyes.

"Don't even think about having a time pass relationship like he tried to do. You know the circumstances. "

That was for Nik. I felt him shift on the spot as she said that. I mentally rolled my eyes at her

You're just going to spy on every new member coming to the house and make sure that you're safe. Why do you even care?

"And I like Glory too. She's courageous, gorgeous, and too clever. She knows what she wants. "

Tanner said smirking my way and I looked at him being confused.

What did he mean by that?

"Who are you talking about? "

That's when the star of the day emerged from the kitchen. Lexi came with a glass of cold tea in her hand frowning at Tanner who was staring at the intruder with wide eyes.

"Lex....? "

He called out and she smiled in response before sitting beside Harry. She looked at Ms Ivory who was already eyeing her suspiciously like scanning an object for any damages.

"Hi, aunty. "

She said and Ms Ivory gaped. She suddenly realised that it was a very pathetic move from her side.

"I don't feel good calling you like that. So, can I just call you by name? "

She asked trying to hide her mistake. For her luck, the devil felt better and her face relaxed before smiling a little and she nodded.

"Your choice is not very bad, but you still need to improve. "

Lexi frowned when she heard that and looked at Harry.

"Of course. I will tell her everything since she's my girlfriend. "

He said looking between his supposed to be girlfriend and his mother. Lexi frowned before starting to say something and Harry interrupted.

"Let's go upstairs and talk detailed about business now, shall we? "

She shook her head in confusion.

"What business...? "

She asked and Harry ignored the question standing up holding her hand and leading her up the stairs.

Tanner stood up stretching his hands making noises dragging my attention and I saw him looking at me for a long moment before looking back at Ms Ivory and said.

"I need some rest. Call me when the lunch is ready. "

He said turning to leave before glancing at me again. I frowned in confusion. He has something to tell me?

Without saying anything, I walked up the stairs behind Tanner to ask what he's trying to tell me. He kept walking and I followed him. He passed his room too making me frown again. He was heading to the end of the corridor. And that was Ms Ivory's room. He paused at the entrance and turned to look at me.

What is he trying to do?

He silently went inside and I trailed behind him entering the room. He stood there looking into the mirror, looking at my reflection.

"You are searching for the truth, right? "

I shook my head frowning when he turned around smirking at me. He stuffed his right hand inside his jeans pocket before revealing a key in front of me.

"See it at your own risk. "

He threw the key in the air and I caught it.

Open the closet.

"How do... --"

"You don't have forever to spend. Do it fast. "

He said in a low voice and I reached the keyhole with the key in my hand. But it didn't open.

"Try again. "

I tried again. Nothing happened.


I got irritated but still tried again. Suddenly, an annoyingly loud sound coming out of the room and I covered my ears with my hands to bock the sound and yelled. When I heard nothing anymore, I opened my eyes and saw everyone glaring at me. Ms Ivory was having a disappointed expression when Lexi was smirking like looking at a thief. Harry was looking at me suspiciously, clearly wondering what I wanted this time and Nik was looking at me trying to say how stupid I was. But the strangest thing is, Tanner was standing with them looking at me like I'm a culprit.

"Glory, what were you doing in here? "

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