25. Listen To Me

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"Kiss me...! "

He said and I smashed my lips breathing in a deep breath. I closed my eyes when the smoke started filling the room and breathed through his mouth. Breathing that way was utterly suffocating and weird. But that was better than dying in the poisonous gas or holding our breath for God knows how long. I opened my eyes a little and looked if the smoke is gone, but it was still there. We sat there for a long minute like that before the white component disappeared completely and we pulled away panting. He instantly held my hand pulling me up on my feet and opened the door getting out of there and rushed towards his room. After pulling me inside, he locked the door leaning back on it and sliding down to sit his ass down still breathing hard. I sat beside his bed leaning back on the edge looking at him. He swallowed occasionally preventing his throat from becoming dry with the frantic breathing. I smiled while panting and he copied the action. I went beside him walking on my knees and hands now sitting beside him when he kept observing my actions. I looked at him, his eyes never left my face.

"What? "

He asked.

"What what? "

I asked biting my lips to fight a smile. His eyes watched the simple action and looked up again.

"How was it? "

He asked in a low voice. I sighed looking forward and said.

"It was cool. Like an adventure? I didn't know my fate could bring my life to something like this. "

And I again looked at him and saw a hint of a smile on his face.

"Like what? "

Like you.

I wanted to say, but my mouth didn't open to say anything for a moment when his eyes were locked with mine for a long minute.

What's he doing to me?

"Like..., right now? "

I asked looking at his lips as they stretched forming a small smile.

"What's it right now? "

That made me think.

He's making it hard for me.

"Is it the secrets, the lies, or..., this? "

He asked and my smile faded. He tilted his position a little towards me.

"Nicklaus? "

I called and he hummed.

His eyes were looking into mine like a magnet. I don't know what to say or do. I just wanted to call his name.

We sat there silently staring at each other like there's nothing around us.

What should I do with him?

I was not at all intending on doing anything else, neither do I want to look away. I just want to see him look at me like this for a long time,
which doesn't have an end.

"How long were you both..., dating? "

He asked suddenly looking down.

Is it a hint of jealousy I'm smelling?

"Just, months? I don't know, hell I haven't noted any important days since we started dating. "

I said and chuckled dryly. He looked back at me.

"What about you? "

I'll not say that I'm not a little jealous when I ask that.

He smiled and looked away licking his lips before looking back at me.

"Actually..., I'm not dating. "

I blinked.


"But you said... --"

"That was a lie. Ummm..., I... --"

"You lied? "

"I..., I can explain. "

"No, you can't. You know what, I don't want to hear anything. "

I said trying to stand up when he pulled me back down by my hand trying not to laugh.

"Listen to me. "

"Why should I? You don't owe me any explanation. Who am I? "

"Glory, I was not thinking straight when I said that out. "

"When have you did that anyway? You never do it. Ever. "

I kept trying to wiggle away when his strong hands kept pulling me closer to him. The more I tried to go far, the more he pulled me closer.

"Okay, fine. Now tell me why did you do that, then. "

I said stop struggling when he was almost hugging me tightly not letting me go. He struggled to look away from my lips which made me feel uneasy. He looked away thinking of the answer to my question and smiled.

"What? "

"I..., don't know? "

I frowned wiggling again.

I'm sure he was enjoying it.

"The hell? You don't know? "

"Maybe? "

He said biting his lip making me look down. I instantly looked up not wanting to stare.

"Why am I even asking this? I should not be angry with you."

"You are? "

He asked with amusement.

Shit, I said that out loud.

My cheeks heated up.

"You'll never understand. "

"Ahaa...? "

"And I should not even care. "

"That's a Point."

He said nodding his head.

"What is it for me whether you are committed or not? "

He laughed as his chest vibrated. My hands were captivated close to it, so the feeling was amazing. But I didn't want to admit that.

His face lit up when he laughed and I couldn't help, but stare. He composed himself looking down at me still smiling.

"Is that it? "

"You caused everything. "

"Oh, what did I do now? "

"You just wanted to show off in front of your mother that you have a girlfriend, so she won't think of your marriage for a long time. "

I said being very serious, half intending to make him think about what he wanted to do with me exactly and half wanting to make myself realise why I'm here and where I belong.

"You bring me here for a reason. And it was to fake a relationship. And then what? Leave me? When? With whom? Prey for your gangster father to kill? "

He was now glaring at me.

"Glory... --"

"Don't. Don't answer any of it. "

I don't want to think he doesn't care.

"Just..., stay quiet. "

"Listen to me. "

"Don't talk. "

I said loudly without letting him say even a word.

"Fine. Just one thing. "

"Why? "

"Fuck, Glory just listen to me once...! "

"What.......? "

"I LOVE YOU...! "

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