32. Stole It

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"Glory, what were you doing in here? "

Ms Ivory asked being confused.

"Trying for robbery. Clearly. "

Lexi said earning a death glare from Ms Ivory and she closed her mouth.

"I didn't do anything. I swear nothing happened like you're thinking. "

I said trying to defend myself.

"That's not the answer to my question, Glory. Why are you here? "

What should I say?

Should I act innocent, or a culprit itself?

Tanner didn't try to protect me at all. So he did this to trap me?

I shook off the questions and tried to concentrate on the escape from the current situation, unharmed.

"I..., I wanted the research papers. "

I said finally looking at Tanner who was completely acting like an innocent boy who's seeing a thief for the first time.


"Why were you trying to open my closet? You should have searched the shelves? Or you should have just asked me instead. "

She asked frowning.

"How do I know where you kept it? I searched everywhere possible without misplacing anything. But the last thing remaining was this. "

I said and she kept staring at me still confused.

"And where did you get the keys from? "

Good question.

I grinned at Tanner who instantly searched his jeans pocket for the keys.

Such a clever bastard.

He gaped expertly making a horrified face looking at his mother before frowning at me.

"You stole it? "

He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Only when you keep it properly, I have to do that. When you walked out of here earlier, you dropped it on the ground. "

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"What were you doing here, Tanner? "

He paused his acting for a moment thinking.

Come on....!


"He can come here whenever he wants. It's not the same for you. "

Lexi spoke making me chuckle.

"And who are you to decide it? Housekeeper?"

I asked and she gaped.

"Ms Ivory, if you are trying to doubt my intentions, go on. And if you want to end everything and send me back to my house, do it. But stop trying to accuse me of false robbery. When I got the key in my hand, I just wanted to check the papers you prepared for studying me. Now if you let me leave...."

I threw the key on the bed and stormed out of the room angrily. I reached inside my room and I tried to calm my frantic heartbeats.

I was almost caught.

That tricky bastard....! He tricked me so easily.

No wonder he's called the hidden fox by his mother itself. The actual person I have to research is him. The most dangerous and tricky one in the house. He expertly lived here unharmed and uninvolved in anything. And if this time he's showing himself in front of me, that's supposed to be a challenge. Or he's trying to say something?

I reached out for my laptop to search for my new target. And I got a big list of Tanners and there was no Tanner Carroll in it. I went deeper, but nothing was there about the particular Tanner Carroll I was searching for, just like he doesn't even exist.

I huffed being annoyed and closed the laptop standing up and stretching my limps. The day itself started as a disaster. Truly annoying. And as if it was not enough, each of the members in this house is keeping secrets of their own.

Someone knocked on my door and I frowned. Must be Nik.

I walked towards the door and swung it open.

"You? "

Tanner stood there smirking at me.

"You're quite a player, exactly as I thought. "

I looked at him with a bored expression.

"What you did there was stupid. Why didn't you tell me, how much of a coward you are? "

He chuckled entering inside across me and I turned around to see him sit on my bed.

"Just think you were paying the price. "

He said looking around the room.

"Price of trusting someone like you? "

He looked at me smiling.

"That's more of a wiser choice than trusting the other fools in here. "

He said standing up still looking at me.

"And I assume you already know the reason you're here. If no, I can tell you. "

He said taking my right hand with his left and I looked down at it.

"You were chosen by my mother, not for Nik, for herself. "

He took out a pen drive from his pocket keeping it in my hand.

"And about what happened today.... "

I looked at him raising my eyebrows.

"Was my plan. You stole it, today while robbing my mother's room. "

He left saying that leaving me alone with my thoughts.

"So he did all these to put the blood on my hands. "

Well planned.


"Nicklaus, you should go and tell her not to do such childish things again. Because the next time won't be easier. "

I nodded and left the room heading to mine and started thinking.

Why would she do that?

I found out that wondering is not going to help, so I decided to ask her myself.

I stormed out of my room aiming at her when I noticed Tanner coming out of there. I frowned as he went silently down the stairs living no facial expressions for my guessing.

Maybe he went to warn her.

I ignored the guesses walking towards my destination.

I opened the door to her room and entered inside. She was sitting on her bed looking into her laptop, frowning at something on the screen.

"Glory...! "

I called but she ignored me.

"Talk to me. "

"Shhh...! "

She looked at me and said.

"Mind explaining what happened? "

She closed her laptop taking it in her hand and stood up coming towards me and held my hand. Before I could speak she pulled me out of there rushing down the stairs looking everywhere like she's hiding from someone.

We reached beside the front door and she looked back at me.

"You have the car keys? "

I searched my pocket and found it empty.


I went to the living room and took the car keys from the coffee table before rushing back to Glory.

"Let's go. "

She said opening the door and we stopped right there because of the certain someone standing there looking at us.


"Glory...? "

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