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My mind was racing as I made my way up the stairs towards our bedroom.
Was this what I wanted? Of course it is! I'm doubting myself now. What was I so scared of?

I hesitated to walk inside. I mean, I know he's in there, he got back from wherever he was a little under an hour ago. The smell hit me like a brick, and I froze right there on the spot. I can't do this.

Maybe it's just my hormones. it's probably just baby fever because I'm in heat. Hell, I don't know. I don't know anything.

The room was warm and moist as I stepped in. Steam had fogged up the mirrors, and it was obvious Ryan had just showered. I don't blame him.

Stepping into the closet, I yanked down a pair of black skinny jeans to pull on for dinner. His father didn't approve of eating in sleep wear, and I really didn't want to be on the ex alpha's bad side. It's just something you don't do.

A box from the shelf above the hangers fell off, and hit my shoulder. I sucked in a deep breath, and felt the sting of the corner before looking down and picking it up.

It was a small redhead box, that was barely even closed from how full it was. I attempted to put it back, but my height got the best of me. Shit. This isn't mine, I started to freak out. I attempted it again, and sighed in defeat.

"Hey, beautiful." Ryan growled in my ear, and possessively wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head back, and felt the cool water in the crook of his neck wet my hair.

"What is this?" He asked, running his fingers across the red bump on my shoulder. I was too busy trying to put the box up, I forgot to pull on a clean shirt. I shrugged.

"your stuff impaled me." I shook the green box in my hands, and he grinned as he kissed my shoulder. "Can you put it back? I can't reach."

"actually, we should go through it, shorty." I relaxed. At least he isn't mad that I touched it.

Turning to face him, I inwardly groaned. He was wearing nothing but a towel around his hips, and his lips were swollen. I have had cravings all day, but this was pushing me over the edge.

"Ryan, stop." I shuttered, everything I wanted to say was lost as he pressed his lips to mine. I could feel my body begin to tremble the longer we stood there together.

"Stop," I tried to demand, but my voice squeaked as my back hit the wall of the closet. "Ryan," I said, finally getting a grip on myself, "no. We're expected for dinner, and we're not going to be late." I breathed.

He grinned, pecked a kiss on my nose, "alright, Luna."


"why did we have to dress up?" I asked. I ran my fingers across the terrifies fabric of Ryan's tie, releasing a uneasy breath. That color looked nice on him.

"It's my parents thirtieth anniversary" he didn't even look me in the eye when he said it. I gripped his chin and made him look at me, and he gave me a cheeky grin.

"God, we just need to get this over with, that dress looks great on you." He growled.

I silently looked down at my outfit. It was a strapless lace dress, the same shade as his tie. It barely went to my knees.

"Shush." I shoved his arm lightly, and he laughed. Compared to him, I was a fragile tooth pick and he's the whole damn tree.

"Your so mean to me." He leaned over and kissed my cheek. The simple gesture made my face turn red as we walked to where everyone else has already been seated. Gloria and Alpha glen were seated at one end, then Ava and Ethan, Anna was after, and across from her was Lucas.

We're dressed too Formal, Ry.

they were all in warm sweaters and jeans. My face felt hot. I felt like a complete odd ball the way I was dressed.

you're fine, trust me.

Gloria grinned, and complemented my outfit. Glen was quietly sitting, a large grin on his face. He leaned over and whispered something into her ear, and she grinned wider.

I gave Lucas a look, and I watched him smile. Something was obviously happening. Was I getting a death note or something?

"Sit down, and order! You're making us starve!" Gloria ordered. I quickly took my seat in between Ryan and Lucas. My eyes shot around before looking at the menu. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers on the table.

"What are you getting?" He asked, leaning in towards my ear. I silently shrugged and looked over my options again.

"Probably crab, I mean it's the only thing I know what it is." I mumbled.

"So, thirty years huh?" Lucas started, bringing my attention back to the main reason were here.

Gloria furrowed her eyebrows before answering, "oh, yeah, gosh. He's been a handful. But he always comes through." She joked, resting her hand on Glen's.

"How did you guys meet?" I asked abruptly. Gloria shot her head towards me and her face grew so large from her smile.

"Oh! Oh my gosh I've never told you! It was when I was fourteen, my mom and dad kicked me out because of..reasons, and I ran off and bang- found him. I'd tell you more but- our foods here."

"But I didn't-" mind link. Oh my god. I glared at Ryan and he shrugged.

"I couldn't waste any more time, eat." He grinned, and kissed my temple. I shook my head and laughed lightly.

"Ryan your acting so weird." I mentioned, and took a bite of crab that was on my fork. It was delicious.

Everyone made small talk about what they were going to do the weekend, and small things like that. Occasionally Ava would look at me and grin, then turn back to Ethan and feed him.

I had a weird feeling at the pit of my stomach, and my heart raced. "Ryan I-" I was going to tell him I had a weird feeling about this place, but he raised a finger up at me.

Ryan stood to his feet, and rubbing his hands on his pants.  It all made sense, as he shifted to the floor on one knee, and took my hand in his.

Moments later, he pulled a small box from his pocket and revealed a small diamond ring. My heart thumped in my chest. Bang. Bang. Bang.

I must be dreaming.

"marry me?" I could hear everyone go silent, and look our way. Tears fell from my face, as I nodded my head. That's all I could do. I was speechless. He slipped the ring onto my finger, and I threw my arms around his neck.

  "Yes!" I finally answered, loud enough for everyone to hear. Clapping filled my ears, but all that seemed to be pushed aside as Ryan whispered words I had heard a million times before, and still made me melt.

"I love you."


I wasn't going to end this chapter like this, but it was the only thing I could come up with and it's just the cutest (: I'm so sorry I haven't been updating very often lately, I've been really behind in school and I'm failing like 3 of my classes. Smh.

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