Twenty three

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"So, there's not like any sex tapes in here or anything, right?" I asked Ryan, as my fingers messed with the corner of the box. I flinched lightly, as he massaged the tenses spot on my inner thigh. He chuckled lightly at my question, and pressed his head on my shoulder.

"I don't do that kind of thing, your fine," he promised. I let out a sigh of relief. I was assuming there'd be playboy magazines and stuff like that in there. I pulled the lid from the box, and stared inside.

It was a box full of memories. Medals, pictures, even little video tapes from an old camera. I let out a breath, and stared inside for a minute.

I reached for the pile of pictures from an old poloriod camera. The very first photography I touched, was the same as the one I first saw when I met Ryan. The one of him, and the other little boy. My body became shaky, and Ryan paused from massaging my thighs.

"That's him, isn't it?" I asked. Ryan hesitated for a minute, thinking weather or not he should tell the truth. "Yeah," he croaked, in no louder than a whisper.

The kid looked so innocent, like he loved everything back then. I remember the last minutes of his life, with that same look on his face when he saw Lucas. I caught my breath, and cleared my throat.

I flipped to the next picture. A small couch was in front of a fireplace. A little boy, with dark curly hair and bright blue eyes was holding a red gift in his hands. He was smiling, and missing one of his front teeth. A woman, around my age was sitting on the couch, smiling, next to an older woman. I furrowed my eyebrows, and looked deeper at the picture, then to my hand.

"Ryan," I breathed. "You were such a cute kid." I mumbled. Ryan grinned at the picture, and pointed towards the older lady. "That was my granny." He intertwined out hands together, and his thumb ran over the ring. "This was her wedding ring." He's trusting me with something that's so dear to him.

"But-" I tried to argue, that I shouldn't have this ring, but he stopped me.

"You mean more to me than anything in the world." I let out a shaky breath. His heart was coming out through his words. I sat there speechless, completely ignoring the picture in my hand, and focusing on our hands together.

"and I know your still young, but I want to be with you for as long as I live. I love you, Taylor." He kissed my cheek, and watched as I flipped to the next picture.

"I love you too." I choked out. If I talked anymore I would cry. I didn't know why, but I felt it coming on.

This was the last picture in the pile. It was a picture of my family. My mom, dad, sister and me. Standing around outside, smiling at the camera. The corners were lightly burned.

How did he get this?

I covered my mouth with my hand, completely dropping the picture, and began to cry. This was not my intention at
all. It was like so much love was given to me in one day, and I couldn't handle it. I don't know.

"How?" I asked. I had to know where he got it. It was the final memory I had of my family, and I had nothing left of it.

"I found it," he whispered, like we were trying to hide from someone. Like we were the only ones here, and he didn't want to scare me.

Wiping the tears from my eyes I looked at it again. My sister and I were both in pigtails, and we looked almost exactly alike. The only difference was she was taller than me.

I ran my fingers over the corner of the picture, and furrowed my eyebrows as the picture became unstuck to another one. Ryan pulled them the rest of the way, completely confused.

The picture was of a little curly haired boy, his eyes squeezed shut from smiling too hard. His teeth were messed up, and he had braces with green bands on them. He was mismatched in a grey sweater and some black basketball shorts. The picture always made me smile, since the day I found it when I was thirteen.

"how did you get that picture?" He asked, and I slowly realized who it was. I wiped the tears away from my eyes again, and turned to face him.

"I found it, and fell in love with the boy."

I pressed my lips to his, just to make sure he knew who I fell in love with.

"What's this?" I asked, as I looked through the box again. It was a envelope with my old address written on it. But it was never sent.

Ryan attempted to take it away from me, but I stopped him. I pulled open the envelope, and pulled out a letter.

Dear alpha Dean,

I would like to ask your daughter, Taylor, out for the day. I have all the best intentions on taking her out to the finest restaurant, and a movie, and bring her home at the time you tell me to. She is the one for me -even though she doesn't know it- and I'd like to treat her to something just once, if you'd let me.

Ryan Mendez, son of alpha Glen.

"Awh." I giggled, and laughed when Ryan took the paper away from me. He chuckled into my hair, causing me to shake from how I was sitting on him.

"That's too sweet, though." I grinned. If he actually sent it my father would have freaked. But he would have let me gone. I mean, I was a daddy's girl.

"Sure, but don't make fun of me, okay?"

"I'd like to treat you to it." I grinned.

He groaned, and kissed my jawline.
I pulled out a gold medal from his sixth grade year, for track. Then there was another one from some spelling bee he got fourth place in. Three VCR's were tied together by a rubber band, and I pulled them out.

"Are these appropriate to watch?"

"Yeah, but I'll have to get a video player from the attic to watch those old things."

"We can do that later, but I'm not going to forget about them." I grinned. Slowly I put everything back into the box, and closed the lid on it.

"Are you watching Ethan today?" Ryan asked, pulling me closer to him. I shook my head no.

"Oh, that reminds me, I have to talk to you about...something." I piped up. I guess now would be a okay time to talk about a baby. If we did have one, would people think Ryan proposed because I was pregnant, hopefully not.

He hummed a soft 'mmh?' And opened his eyes to look at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and buried my head into him.

"What do you think about" I picked the the string coming off of his shirt, waiting for an answer from him.

"well yeah, I want one" he shrugged. I don't think he was catching onto what I was saying.

"Me too." I purred. Ryan finally caught on, and took in a large breath. His hands instinctively wrapped around my waist.

"But your only 19, Tay. You have your whole life to live." I sighed, and shook my head against it. But he doesn't.

"I don't care, Ry." My nose ran across his neck, and a small smile grew on my lips.


"But Ryan..."

"I do want one, but Taylor- I don't want to do that to you,"

"But I'm ready." I tried.

"Your not already pregnant are you?" He breathed. I shook my head against it. I hope I wasn't, at least. I didn't want to be surprised by it.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" He asked, squeezing me tighter than before. I simply shook my head, and pulled away after hearing his sigh. He grinned at me, from ear to ear.

"Let's get started." I grinned, and pressed my lips to his.

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