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"Good morning, beautiful."
Ryan commented, still lying in bed with an arm around my stomach. He was slowly drawing circles around it and I sighed softly. I was feeling so much better than before, I'm positive the heat is gone.

I lifted my head from his chest and sucked in a deep breath. I was still beyond tired, and it was too warm to not move. This felt so...perfect. He pressed my lips to his using a finger under my chin, and I smiled softly.

My stomach fluttered, at the small gesture. I had never met someone as sweet as him, that made me feel...wanted. The good kind of wanted, like someone to talk to, not like those rouges- that wanted me to have sex. A hand was pressed against his chest, and I smiled when I felt his heart beat quicken.

Slowly I drew my lips away from his, and I pressed my head on his chest again. I really needed to get up but I didn't want to. It's obvious he doesn't either, I mean he waited for me to wake up- he never does that or it's vise versa.

I trailed my finger nail down the line of his stomach, watching the little hairs stand up at the soft touch. He chuckled lightly, and brushed my hand away. It didn't really both me, I mean he is pretty ticklish. I am too, which is why I'm curled up why he rubs my stomach.

"You know," he said his chest vibrating underneath me, "I really do like this." He raised his free hand, and brushed it against my collar bone. It took me a minute to catch up with what he was talking about. My mark. I felt my eyes flutter at the touch, and his thumb pressed against it.

I grazed my nose over his, and felt him shiver. I'm glad I have that affect on him. My lips pressed against his hot skin for a moment before I pulled away and blew on the wet mark. He smiled and lightly swatted at his neck, "stop it," he groaned with a laugh. His voice was still filled with sleep, and it was a turn on to be honest.

A loud rumbling filled my ears and my giggled shushed. Ryan rolled his eyes softly, and patted my thigh. "Hungry?" He raised an eyebrow meeting my eyes and I shyly nodded. "Me too." He yawned, as I pushed myself upright into a sitting position.

"IHOP?" Ryan grinned and sat up, running a hand through his hair. I desperately wanted to run my hands through it but I shrugged it off. Later. I stretched before standing to my feet, and watched the over sized t-shirt I was wearing fall just above my knee.

I didn't notice before, but Ryan was wearing a pair of boxer briefs that seemed a little tighter than normal. I felt my ears burn completely embarrassed and I rushed past him. I grabbed a Victoria secrete hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans along with undergarments and went to the bathroom to change.

Yes, Ryan has seen me naked. Only once though and I'm embarrassed still. I've always been embarrassed of sexual or intimate things. It's funny, and I found myself laughing at the thought.

After I finally finished throwing on the clothes and brushing my teeth, I flung open the bathroom door to see Ryan pulling on a plain black t-shirt. He quickly flashed his teeth at me, and motioned towards the bed. I slowly sat down and gave him an awkward look.

He went into the closet and pulled out a pair of dark brown boots, and kneeled down at the end of the bed. I rolled my eyes and watched him put the shoes of my feet.

"What a prince." I giggled, and rolled my eyes again. It seems like I've been doing that a lot. Once he stood to his feet, I did the same and threw my arms around his neck.

"Every princess needs a prince right?" He smiled, and pressed his lips to my forehead. I giggled and looked down towards my feet.

Honestly, I did feel like one. He's done nothing but bring me up since he found me. He's made me feel special, and loved. I liked being called it, but sometimes I wanted to deny it. It's hard to explain.


"Why do you do that?" Ryan asked abruptly, smiling softly and looking into my eyes. I desperately wanted to break contact but he was too beautiful.

"Why do you look away when I call you beautiful?" He asked, I covered my face with my hands completely embarrassed. Is it not obvious?

I do like being called that, but honestly I don't really believe that I'm beautiful. Scars decorate my body, and I'm sure Ryan has seen them. I shook my head and stiffled a giggle.

I didn't reply to his question.

"Well, don't. You really are beautiful Taylor, and I do love you." He smiled, causing me to smile back. If my mouth didn't have a bite of pancake in it I would have told him I loved him back.

I swallowed the rest of my food and took a drink. "I love you too, Ryan." He grinned wildly, and rubbed my hand that was resting on the table.

He squeezed my hand softly, and I looked back down. The music playing softly filled my ears. Licking the syrup off my bottom lip I rested my head in my hand. My stomach was full and all I wanted now was to cuddle up next to Ryan somewhere cold.

A smile grew on his lips, "let's go for a run?" My eyes light up, and I smiled back. Was he really going to let me run. With him.

I scrambled to my feet after Ryan, and was wrapped in his arms.

"I've got something to show you, too." His lips pressed against my forehead and I breathed in his scent.

what does he have to show me?

This man always surprises me.

Short and cheesy. You all should like it, and if you LOVE IT then you should vote and send it to your friends (:

sorry for the slow update, I've had a science project due about some stupid scientist. blah.

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