Twenty five

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"Lucas, I'm scared." I finally breathed out, and leaned back in the swiveling office chair.

He was the only one that knew about the baby. Was I ready for one? I wasn't to sure, and I have began to doubt myself.

"Everything." I finished. The wedding, the baby, me becoming the second leader of this pack. What if I messed up? I'm a screw up. I can't go through with it. I don't think I can, at least.

Lucas let out a soft sigh, and leaned forward towards the desk. "You shouldn't be. Ryan will make sure that your well taken care of- you know that."

"We'll, yeah, but-"

"There are no buts, Taylor. Ryan has already risked his life for you once, what makes you think he won't do it again?"

I remained quiet. Of course he was right. Ryan almost died, trying to save me. And if it was to happen again, he would put himself back into that same position. Even if it killed him.

Slowly, I nodded. "Your right."

"When am I not?" Lucas grinned, and leaned back in the leather chair.

I smiled back at him, and turned back to Ryan's computer. I had talked him into letting me and Lucas use it, to plan out some of the wedding. Lucas agreed to help me, since i am his favorite person.

Scribbling down a few chapel numbers, I printed off three images from the ones I liked best. They were awfully beautiful. As I handed them to Lucas his eyebrows furrowed while studying the images.

"Defiantly not the brown one." He made a gagging noise, and tossed the image into the trash. He was right, weddings are supposed to be white. At least, that's what I believe.

I drew a line through the phone number, and Lucas sat the other two pictures on the desk. A small shrug of his shoulders told me he had no idea. "Why don't we just go look at them, tomorrow?"

"What kind of flowers are you wanting?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Pulling up different flowers on google. "I was thinking maybe simple white and red roses, or something like that. But I do want them to match the brides maid's dresses."

"Oh, who's going to be that?"

I sighed, and rubbed my temples with my hand. "I wanted my sister, but she died like a year ago, and I'm defiantly having Ava."

"What about harmony? You two are friends right?" Harmony was a twenty year old, who I made friends with awhile back. She was always gone so we really didn't talk much. I shrugged.

"Yeah." I slowly smiled.

"You ought to set a date to try on dresses," Lucas suggested. I typed into the computer, and decided a week from now I'd get the brides maid dresses, then the next week my own.

"Has Ryan picked out his people yet?" I asked. I always forget what they are called.

He shrugged. "He's your soon to be husband, but I suggest I be the best man." He grinned from ear to ear.

"I'll suggest it to him, but no promises." I poked my tongue out at him, and giggled lightly.

"So, have you told him?" Lucas grinned. I looked down at my clothes and shook my head no.

"I'm thinking of a fun way to tell him." I said in all honesty. It's been exactly two weeks since he proposed, and I already had something to tell him.

"You little devil." Lucas scrunched up his nose, and he grinned. I shut off his computer, and turned to face Lucas again.

"What do you want it to be?" He asked.

"A girl, of course." I smiled, Lucas nodded his head.

"Wow." He breathed. He turned and looked at me with a wide grin.

"I'm a lonely old geezer, and here you are knocked up and wifed up." He pouted.

I lightly hit his arm. "I'll set you up a blind date." I poked my tongue out.

"Really?" He grinned.

"Sure, do you want one?"

"Hell yeah!" I burst into laughter, and nod my head. I added that to my things to do, sometime soon.

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